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After minutes of trying to get as fast as possible to land... I can't find him.

He's no where in sight.

Fuck fuck fuuuck.

I can only hope he didn't see us though.

Enough about that, where the actual fuck is he. He's not where I last saw him. Well he couldn't be here when Ethan took me. So he must've gone before that.

But why wouldn't he say anything.

Where in the world would I know where he is.

Wait... I could just call him. Great idea Andrea.

Wait, not a great idea. We didn't take our phones with us! We only took towels with us, of course we didn't take our phones with us today.

"Ethan!" I yell once I see him get out of the ocean.

"What?" He says while walking towards me.

"I don't know where Grayson is"

"What, he didn't say anything either"

"Nope, but we gotta find him"

"Uum you stay here Incase he comes back while I try to find him"

Ethan just nods in response while I'm already walking.

Maybe he went to 7-Eleven. Maybe he got lost while getting ice cream. Maybe he's talking to some random dude outside a club that isn't even open yet.

Who is that?

How far have I walked? I walked far enough for Ethan to be out of my sight though.

Once Grayson finally sees me, he suddenly changes his facial expression from happy to scared, whilst I give him a look of 'what the fuck did you think you stupid ass bitch, get back here now'.

I see them exchange numbers, and after that Grayson walks across the road and over to me.

"What the fuck Grayson! I was scared shitless"

"Why did you just leave without saying anything!"

"I was just gonna get ice cream then I tripped over the guy you saw me talking with, cause I was too focused on my ice cream. Then we just started talking... and yeah"

"Let's just go back to Eth-"

"Wait! Um can we go somewhere more private, I gotta tell you something"

"Sure, we can go to a more quiet area of the beach where Ethan isn't in sight"

"Yeah sounds good" he said in a nervous tone, but I'm not gonna question him.

We found a bit more quiet place, and just sat down on the sand.

"Andrea... I'm gay"

"That's great Grayson, but you know I knew right?"

"Well I kinda guessed since you're my best friend. But I had to like fully accept myself and like actually come out"

"Yeah I know, but I'll always accept you no matter what. I can't loose my only friend"

"Yeah right. You remember the party you got hella drunk at?"

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