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we are all in the van, on our way to Cha-am. We're sitting in the same places we did earlier. With me and Ethan in the back, Grayson in the passenger seat and Chaiwat driving.

"what are we gonna do for the hotel rooms?" I blurt out. "We could each get one room each, but that's kinda stupid. Like me and Ethan could share a room, me and Grayson could share a room or I could have a room alone whilst you guys share a room"

"Or maybe we could just spend more money and get a big room where all three of us have a room together."Grayson says.

"But they are so fucking expensive" I complain. "yeah, and we have enough money cause our parents get well paid"

"Just because we have money doesn't mean I like to spend it" I mumble back. "you are making it so much more harder than it has to be."

"yeah fine. Let's get one big room, you happy"

2-4 hours has gone by, Grayson is already asleep and my head is resting on Ethan's lap. Me and Ethan simply just staring at each other, Lil Peep playing in the background, I wish it always was like this.

I've never taken the time to look at how beautiful Ethan actually is. His hazel eyes, plump and pink lips, that sharp jawline, his cute little nose and- what the hell am I saying. I am not getting feelings for him, so just stop.

Life sure is confusing, let me just tell you that.

"what are thinking about?" Ethan asks me, his voice loud enough for only us to hear.

"you" I simply answer back with a soft smile plastered on my face.

Okay what is happening, I'm literally breaking character. Stop, don't let this boy change you. I AM NOT GONNA BE ONE OF THOSE SAPPY ASS GIRLS IN THOSE MOVIES YOU WOULD WATCH AS A 9YEAR OLD. Why am I yelling in my head, that makes no sense whatsoever.

I take a moment to look at Ethan's facial expression. He's smiling softly at me, which is unusual, and he has a bit of a shocked look as well. Instead of saying anything he starts drawing different shapes on my face. The feeling of his gentle fingers on my soft skin, makes my stomach fill with snakes.

(I hate butterflies so I'm gonna use snakes instead, cause I actually like snakes. Deal with it *flips you off*)

I sat up normally and looked him in the eyes. We both lean in "We're here" Chaiwat yells.

Thank god we didn't kiss. I not up for that, even though we've kissed before, and even had sex in a motherfuckings airplane.

"Grayson! get up" I say while getting up from my seat slapping Grayson. If he doesn't want to get up, I might as well just slap him.

"Ayy! No need to get hostile"

"Shut up, and get out of the van"

We all got our stuff and said our goodbye's to Chaiwat.
"Well I'll be on my way, see you later" Chaiwat tells us, but before he could drive I stopped him.

"Wait! Umm guys just wait inside, I'll be back in a minute." Chaiwat clearly knew what I wanted since he threw me a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "There you go, bye!"

And before I could say anything, he was already gone.

We are now on our way to our hotel room, which is room 666 (I had too).

"Okay so the lady said that there is one room with a single bed, and another room with two beds. Then in the room with one bed, is the kitchen and shit. And there's only one bathroom" I said to them as we are outside the door to our room.

I took the keycard and slid it over the lockthingy, it made a peep noise signaling the door was unlocked.
We walked into the room with one bed, and the kitchen. As we walk in the door to the bathroom is on the right side of the entrance. And the door the other bedroom is further down and to the right.

We all dropped everything we had and made a run for the bed. we ended up almost breaking our bones realizing that we basically jumped onto each other.

"That was stupid"

"Agreed" Ethan and Grayson said. I burst out in laughter, soon enough both of them laughing along.

"On a real note though, who's sleeping where?"

"Why is this always the hard part" Ethan chuckles.

"Rock, paper, scissors, whoever wins sleep here." I said with a smirk plastered on my face. I absolutely suck at rock, paper, scissors so I already know I'm sharing a room. But you never know, hell, I don't even know why I suggested it.

"Damnit Grayson, you always win" I complain.
So Grayson won, me and Ethan lost. Fuuuuck.

"You sure, you don't want to sleep here?"

"No no, I lost fair and square"

I look over to Ethan who's just smirking at me.


"But if you're feeling lonely just knock on the door" I say to Grayson. "Ha ha, very funny"

"I know" I answer back sassily.

Ethan starts to chuckle lightly, listening to mine and Grayson's conversation.


Wassup  I'm in Thailand atm so I most likely won't post new chapter at all until August. I thought I would be able to post something, but it doesn't look like I can if I'm gonna be honest.

This chapter most likely has a lot of spelling mistakes, but I don't have time to check it. I also tried to make it as long as possible, and wrote most of this in one day.

So if you're actually a reader I hope you understand. I will try to write when I have the time though.

Love you:)

Btw I'm sitting in a car on my way back to my grandma lhsjkdn and it's 10:00 pm hihi

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