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I woke up and noticed Ethan had wrapped his arms around me, and his legs were tangled between mine. I couldn't really move so I was stuck there.

I tried to go back to sleep since I couldn't do much, but I suddenly heard Ethan.
"Good morning" he said with his raspy voice.
"Morning" I answered back.

Once Ethan let go of me, we went downstairs to the kitchen, and got us some cereal and juice.

When we were done eating we went back upstairs and changed into our clothes.

When we were both done getting ready Ethan left, and I was left home alone.

I got on my phone and saw I had a couple of unread messages from Grayson yesterday.

Grayson: wyd??

Grayson: hellooooo

Grayson: did u lose your phone or what??

Grayson: text me later

I put my phone in the back pocket of my jeans.
I'll text him later.

I needed to take my mind off of things.

I walk over to the garage and instantly see my motorcycle "perfect"

I took it outside, took on my helmet and sped off.

I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was that I wanted to get away. Get away from life, reality and my thoughts.

I can never really escape my thoughts though, they're always there whether I want them to or not. Wow look at me now, I'm thinking about my thoughts, Urghhh FOCUS!

Before I know it a car is going full speed right at me.
Lucky enough, I was just able to get away unharmed.

Fucking asshole... or am I just stupid for not fucking focusing.
Either way they don't have to go at me with full fucking speed.

I find myself on a clean road, no cars just me and my motorcycle.

The feeling of wind hitting my skin, the feeling of just being free. No one can stop me but myself.

All of this reminds me of before, when my mom used to take me out for rides on her motorcycle.

I just remember being this little kid, sitting behind my mom on her bike, feeling the adrenaline rushing through me as the wind smacks me in the face.

I remember having some sorta hope, I wasn't a delinquent I was just this little girl who never spoke to anyone.

After the accident I grew attitude. I was now that girl who never knew how to close their mouth, and never knew when to stop.

The day the accident happened, my mom told me that in the future, she would get me my own motorcycle.

It was like the only thing that connected me and my mom.

For the most part she was just with my dad. They were so in love that they even forgot I existed at times.

I never really cared though, I just did my own thing you know.

After what happened, my dad just numbed the pain. He went to bars, got drunk, hooked up with random women.

Then the next day he would be on some business trip.

I never realized how alike me and my dad actually are. We both just numbed the pain thinking it all would be better, even though on the inside we know it's never going to get better if we keep doing this.

I feel my eyes get glossy at the thought of everything that happened, but I quickly shake it off.

I suddenly start to think of Ethan for some odd reason.

Ethan Dolan... he's just a badboy, he's not actually that much of a fuckboy, if we were to look at his friends. He only hooks up with girls occasionally, but he talks shit to peoples faces etc.

Me on the other hand... I'm a delinquent. I'm not an asshole though, only when It's necessary or I loose my shit.

One time in class some kid pissed me off. Let's just say the classroom was completely fucked up, and I was suspended for 2 weeks.
After that no one spoke to me, they didn't even dare look at me.

And that's just the beginning. Only one of hundreds of other stories I have.

I quickly snap back to reality and make my way back home.

Around an hour after I came back home Grayson called me.

Shit, I forgot to text him back.


"Hey, Andrea can you come over"

"Uhh, yeah sure, I'll be over in 5"

And with that he hung up.

I walk over to Grayson's house. Once I get there I walk in without knocking, as I usually do.

I saw Grayson sitting on the couch, oddly enough with Ethan, Lisa and Sean.

"Oh you're here, come take a seat" Lisa said with a warm smile plastered on her face.

I took a seat beside Grayson and Lisa began to say something.
"So we heard about your dad not being able to be here for your birthday next month...yet again" Lisa began.
"So me and Sean thought that you, Ethan and Grayson could go to Thailand for your birthday, since you got family there and all"

Me, my mom and dad always used to go to Thailand every other year to visit our family there. We haven been there ever since my mom passed.

"Are you serious" I say in shock.

"Yes I am" Lisa smiles widely at me.

"Oh my lord, thank you so much"

"We trust you guys to go there alone without us"
"Just promise you won't do anything stupid" Sean steps in.

"Promise" we all say in sync.
When we realized we said that in sync, we all burst out in laughter.

For the people who are actually reading this, thank you first of all. And I'm sorry I didn't post last week.
I got hit with writers block, and I just wasn't feeling like writing anything, but I thiiiiiiiiiiink I'm good for now:)))
so yeah hope ur having a good day aaaaand I'm out.

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