Chapter 20

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*Tristan's POV*

I wake up wrapped in Vic's arms. I look at the clock and it's 11:33. I don't really know where I am, I know we where going to a hotel but I don't remember getting here.

"Ow" I flinch and grab my head and Vic wakes up and looks at me.

"Aww Tristan's first hangover" he laughs "now isn't dat cute" he bops my nose with his finger and even though my head is exploding I smile at him. I look over and see Mike is not in his bed.

"Where Mike?" I ask

"Oh they all went to get breakfast, I didn't wanna wake you" he says and I just scoot even closer to him which is impossible cuz I'm already so close to him. I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my forehead. At that very moment Mike, Tony and Jaime walk thru the door.

"Heyy we brought tacos" Jamie says and throws the bag of tacos at Vic and without moving me Vic catches the bag with one hand.

"Thanks man" Vic says and pulls out 2 tacos one for him and one for me.

"No thanks, I'm gonna go take a shower" I say and pull the blanket off of me and start walking to the bathroom.

"Nope! Look at the wall" Vic yells and I turn to face them. I turn to see all the guys looking at the wall except Vic

"What?" I look at Vic

"Tristan your not wearing pants" he tells me and look down and rush to the bathroom and slam the door.

"Why is my underwear on backwards?!" I yell to the other room and the guys laugh.

I strip down and turn on the shower. I get in and just stand in the cold water.

I get out and grab a towel, but all of the sudden I feel really sick. I bend over the toilet and start puking, so much it's hard to breath. How much did I drink? I hear a knock at the bathroom door.

"Hey Tristan? Are you okay, can I come in?" Vic asks and I don't answer I'm to busy throwing up. He opens the door to find me in nothing but a towel sitting on the floor spilling my guts into a toilet, that's a pretty sight. He doesn't say anything he just comes closer to me and holds my hair out of my face.

"It's okay, it will stop soon" he says. After about 5 more minutes of that I'm finally done and I go to take another shower. I get out and put on the cloths I came here in yesterday and tie my hair up in a messy bun and I have no make up with me so yeah. I also put on Vic's light red jacket. I go out of the bathroom and they stop talking and looking at me, I just go and sit by Vic on our bed and he puts his arm around me.

"You feeling okay?" Jaime asks and I don't say anything just nod and lean my head into Vic's shoulder.

"Here drink this" Mike says and hands me his half gone can of sprite. "It helps" he says and I start drinking it.

"Vic are you driving?" Jaime asks

"Sure, Tristan could sit in the front and you 3 in the back" Vic says

"What happened to the van you came in?" I ask and drink the rest if the sprite

"Oh yeah, we only borrowed that to get down here and they said we can't take it back to Tempe" Tony answers

After a while of talking and laughing and a little complaining from me, we decide to leave. The guys pack up there things and I just kinda lay down while they do that.

"Come on Tristan, it's time to go" Vic says and I look up at him with puppy dog eyes

"But I'm tired and like it here" I say

"But I wanna go home" he smiles and I laugh and burry my face in the pillow. Before I know it Vic picks me up and starts walking out of the room. I'm clinging to him like a monkey, wrapped around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waste. We got some weird looks going thru the lobby but we just kept laughing. He crosses the street and we are at his car where the rest of the guys are waiting for us. Vic puts me down but still stands close to me. Jamie tosses Vic the keys to the car and I get in the front seat and the rest of the boys in the back.

After about 5 min of talking in the car I curl up in my seat lay my head ok the head rest and fall asleep.


I wake up to hear the guys talking and I just keep my eyes shut and listen some.

"So your saying she tried to commit suicide?" Jaime asks "But she seems to happy to be sad"

"Exactly" Vic says "She always try's to look so happy that I never know when she's sad" he sighs

"It'll be ok man" Mike says

"Your right" Vic says

I didn't know I worried him that much, I feel sorry that I make it like this.

I wait for the guys to start a new conversation before I 'wake up'. I get up and stretch a little.

"Hey you guys" I yawn

"Hey Tristan" they say

"Are we almost home?" I ask and Vic nods

"Yeah only half an hour away" he says and the boys in the backseat cheer.

The rest of the ride is filled with jokes and laughing and singing along to the radio.

Vic pulls up in front of my house.

"Do you want me to walk you in?" Vic asks

"No it's ok" I say and lean over and kiss his lips "Bye guys" I say

"Bye Tristan"they reply and I get out the car and they drive away. I walk up the steps to the house and knock on the door. Malory opens the door, quickly hugs me and begins to cry.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned

"We thought you ran away, we where so worried and scared and I'm so happy your back" she says and before I can explain to her what happened Dale marches down the stairs.

"Where were you?" he sounds mad

"Me and Vic drove to-" I begin to explain

"That Vic guy is a bad influence" he still is angry

"Dale it's fine, the good thing is she's home" she glares at him

"She was gone for 2 days Malory"he raising his voice

"It's fine" she grits at him and he shuts up "Tristan there's dinner in the fridge if you want some" she smiles at me

"No thank you Malory, I'm gonna go to my room but thank you" I say and go to my room and just lay there with my stuffed monkey.

(What's up guys thanks for reading I'm at the beach right now so c ya later~Grace)

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