Chapter 9

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*Hope's POV*

I rush around Vic and into Tristan's apartment.

"Tristan?!" I yell, there's no answer. I look around and see a note.

I was told so many times to go kill myself and here you finally got ur wish but before I go I need to find and ask why she left. Hope I have only known you a short while and you have become my sister and Andy you have become one of my best friends. Vic you won't need to worry about me anymore, I will finally be safe and I love you



A tear slips down my face, Vic comes up behind me and reads the not, as does Andy. We all stand silent for a minute until Vic breaks the silence,

"I have to go find her, she can't do this."

"Vic, you don't even know where she went." I tell him.

"Well there has to be something here that could tell us where she went." He says. We look around until I find her diary.

"There might be something in here." I say and hold it up to show them. The boys nod and I open it. I flip through a few pages, I find a few with Vic's name and hearts next to it *smirk smirk* , then I find one about Tristan's mom and California.

"Guys, I think she might be in San Diego California."

"Okay, let's go." Andy says and I get in the drivers seat of my car and Vic sits in front, giving me directions and Andy sits in the back.

* * *

"Now where?" I ask Vic.

"I dunno, just pull over." I pull over to the side of the road and see that I brought the diary with me. I look through it again and a picture falls out. It's Tristan and a lady in front of a doughnut shop.

"We could try there." Andy says, looking at the picture. I nod and drive there.

When we get to the doughnut shop Tristan isn't there. We decide to ask the guy who works there if he's seen her. I hold up the picture and point to Tristan,

"Have you seen this girl?"

"Oh yeah, she was just here. I think she went to the cliffs." He tells us. The cliffs, oh crap.

"Thanks." I yell behind me and race to the car. We quickly drive to the cliffs.

"Okay, me and Vic will look in this direction, Andy you go the other way." Andy looks kind of irritated but nods. My eyes dart around looking for her.

I stop dead in my tracks when I see her. Tears fall down her face but she looks utterly calm. She stand on the edge of the cliff looking down at the roaring waves below. I walk a little closer and say,

"Tristan, don't do it." Her head shoots up and she looks at us.

"How did you find me?" She asks. I hold up her diary and the picture in response.

"Tristan, don't jump." I say in as calm of a voice as I can muster. Vic stays completely silent.

"Why shouldn't I? nobody wants me here." I'm about to respond when Vic yells,

"I do! I need you here more than anyone Tristan. I told the cops about your dad because I don't want you to get hurt. I care about you more than anyone." Then he walks up and kisses her. I smile and Vic asks her, "Tristan, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" She exclaims. A hand rests on my shoulder and I whip around to see Andy. I frown and start to walk to my car, still mad at him.

"Hope! Come on, are you still mad at me?" I whip back around,

"Yes, I am. I told you not to tell anyone and you still told Vic. I know it was the right thing to do but how do I know if I can trust you?" He looks into my eyes,

"I'm sorry, I'll never tell someone something that you didn't want anyone to know about." Then he kisses me. I smile and we get in my car.

"I texted Vic and told him we're leaving."

"Okay." After 10 minutes I remember something, Jack.

"Crap!" I yell.

"What?" Andy asks.

"I forgot my little brother!"

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