Chapter 12

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*Tristan's POV*

The whole way home we cried some and talked but I could feel the tension, I just tried to commit suicide of course there will be tension. I wish he wasn't there to stop me, but at the same time I'm kinda glad he was there. One day I will jump, and I will be a memory in his mind.


He parks outside of my apartment and I immediately start to cry, I feel his eyes on me.

"Come here" he says and I hug him from my seat but he pulls me closer so I am sitting on his lap. He holds me and I cry into his shoulder.

"Everyone I love leaves me Vic" I sob

"Shhh shh it's ok" he try's to calm me down but I keep crying "Shhh I'll always be here. Ok?" Opens the car door and picks me up and places me back in the car. "I'll go get your stuff. Ok"

"Ok" I say and wait in the car for a wile and after about 25 minutes I see Vic cone out with a bag of all my cloths and any other stuff I need but there is a lady behind him. They both come down to the car.

"Hello my name is Dian Rogers" the lady introduces herself.

"Uh hi" I say and look at Vic who looks mad and worried at the same time, Dian doesn't look like she is very fond of Vic, I wonder what I missed

"Dian is here to relocate you" Vic tells me and my stomach drops. I stay silent.

"If you follow me in your car to my office we can work it all out there" she says and I still sit here saying nothing and Vic just nods at her and she walks back to her car and me and Vic drive behind her in almost silence. I begin to cry again, he shouldn't have found me, I should be dead right now.

"We don't know what will happen maybe you won't need to be relocated, maybe you could find a foster family here or something" he says choking down some tears

He parks in front of her office and we get out of the car and hold hands. She leads us to her desk and we sit.

"Ms Kennedy may I ask you a few questions" I nod "do you have any relatives in the United States?"


"Did you have any god parents?"


"Tristan I'm sorry but you will be placed in a foster family" she says and Vic immediately stands to his feet

"No she will not" he protests but she just turns in her office chair to make some calls."Im 18 a legal adult! She can stay with me!" Vic looks down to me but I'm not crying I'm just not breathing. He sits back down and takes my hand and we wait for Dian to come back.

"Good news Tristan. We found you a foster family near by" she says ecstatically "They will be here to pick you up in 10 min" she says and leaves the room. Vic turns to me

"We can leave right now if you want"

"What?" I don't get what he's saying

"We can leave and go stay somewhere they won't find us"

"Vic we can't do that"

"Why not? We don't know the foster parents, they could be cereal killers" he says

"It's ok, I'll be ok Vic" I say and a tear slips down both of our faces and he hugs me and we just stay like that for a while but then the door swings open and I see a pregnant lady standing next to a man who I presume is her husband and they have a little boy. The mother looks happy, why is she happy she has to take me home.

"Hi I'm Malory and this is my husband Dale and our son Kenny" she comes over and hugs me at first I'm a little confused but then hug her. I look over to Vic to say my goodbye but there are tears on both of our faces now.

"Goodbye for now?" I practically whisper

"Goodbye for now" he replies

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