Historical Fiction SmackDown: Round of 7 [CLOSED]

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It's always a sad day when we have to say goodbye to our first contestant via elimination. When real life gets in the way and people drop out due to circumstances beyond our control it's just one of those things, but when it's a result of judging... So it's with great regret, much sadness and many condolences that we say goodbye to Hadley_Swiss. It was genuinely a close run thing, it's been an absolute pleasure reading your stories for this contest and we hope to see you again in the future. 

And now without further ado, onto the next round..!

The Prompt

Regency Era

In 1812, Prime Minister Spencer Perceval was assassinated in the House of Commons.

In 4,500 words, tell the story of a night watchman, before the establishment of the London Metropolitan Police Force, who did not believe the 'official' line, as he attempts to get to the bottom of the crime

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In 4,500 words, tell the story of a night watchman, before the establishment of the London Metropolitan Police Force, who did not believe the 'official' line, as he attempts to get to the bottom of the crime.

In 4,500 words, tell the story of a night watchman, before the establishment of the London Metropolitan Police Force, who did not believe the 'official' line, as he attempts to get to the bottom of the crime

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There are no further prompts here. No pictures or anything like that. You're free to tell the story as prompted above, as you see fit.

You have until midnight BST on Sunday, September 16th, which gives you a little under three weeks to complete this round. At this time, the submission form will be closed. We did warn you this is where the real challenge begins!

Once complete, submit your story via this form. Only those stories submitted via the form will be accepted and eligible for judging, but do feel free to post the link to your story in the comments' section below to allow your fellow competitors to read and enjoy your efforts.

4,500 words is a guideline. You won't be penalised for not reaching or, indeed, exceeding that count.

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