Winter Writing Contest 2016 (CLOSED)

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Tags to use: #Yuletide2016

Start Date: December 11th 2016

Finish Date: January 31st 2017

Participation: Story must include the correct tag #Yuletide2016 to be considered entered.
Note: Not in the title or description but the actual tag section.
Language participation: English

Wordcount: At least 3000 words

Rules: This should be a new story, not previously written.

Prize: As in the justwriteit challenge this contest is more of a challenge. However, a few stories will be selected and the winners will be getting a sticker on the cover of the book, created for this contest only.


Let us all celebrate Yuletide!

What exactly is Yuletide? It's the founder of Christmas and many other winter holidays. It was celebrated, and in some places, still celebrated today all over the world!


Research Yuletide and find something special about it that you find interesting:
The festival itself, the clothes that people wear, types of food or every other thing you can think of! It has to be a Historical Fiction base; but you can add romance, adventure and more! The sky is the limit!


The Historical Fiction Team is wishing you an exciting writing experience, stress-free holidays and, when the time is coming, Happy New Year!

The Historical Fiction Team is wishing you an exciting writing experience, stress-free holidays and, when the time is coming, Happy New Year!

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Check out their prompts!

(We invite you to share your entry in the comment section.)

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