Historical Fiction SmackDown: Round of 15 [CLOSED]

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A note from the HistoricalFiction team:

Over the course of rounds 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3, you all wrote some fantastic stories, and wowed us with your insights and interpretations of historical events and the scenarios we put forth.

Only 15 of you, however, submitted an entry for the last of those three rounds, which means only fifteen of you have submitted an entry to all three rounds thus far.

With that in mind, as far as we're concerned by far the fairest way to continue and to properly thank you all for your efforts is to add an additional 'Round of 15' into the contest, and let's be honest this is where the real challenge begins because come the conclusion of this round, three of you will be eliminated!

The Prompt

Alternate History

Upon reaching the Canary Islands, Columbus decides to sail south then east, around Africa and to the Southern, Indian & Pacific Oceans, rather than west across the Atlantic.

In no more than 4,000 words, tell the story of Columbus and the crews of the Santa María, the Pinta, and the Santa Clara, taking the point in time land is first sighted on this alternate voyage, as a starting point

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In no more than 4,000 words, tell the story of Columbus and the crews of the Santa María, the Pinta, and the Santa Clara, taking the point in time land is first sighted on this alternate voyage, as a starting point.

In addition, you must make use of four of the eight images posted below, as inspiration. How you choose to use them is entirely your decision but they must be used, regardless.



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You have until midnight BST on Sunday, August 26th, to complete this round. At this time, the submission form will be closed. We did warn you this is where the real challenge begins!

Once complete, submit your story via this form. Only those stories submitted via the form will be accepted and eligible for judging, but do feel free to post the link to your story in the comments' section below to allow your fellow competitors to read and enjoy your efforts.

4,000 words is a guideline. You won't be penalised for exceeding that count.

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