~Chapter Four: Part II~

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Slipping through the barn doors to the outside, I walked across the grass quietly and made my way towards the well. The sky was aglow in a multitude of beautiful oranges and reds --- the sun setting over the hills in a shining ball of light to the west. Our well stood in the middle of our property between the barn and the house, so it was easy to access. I approached it from the side facing away from our small house in case my family caught sight of me and came to ask what I was about. I really did not want to be interrupted and questioned right now!

Reaching for the clip on the rope dangling over the open top of the stone well, I secured the bucket. I then grabbed the rope tied to the side, loosened it, and let the bucket drop to the bottom of the well with a splash. When I could feel that the bucket had sunk down and was filled, I carefully hauled it up with the rope and pulley, bringing it out and pulling it to the side to set on the ground. I undid the clip, then picked up the full bucket and started walking as fast as I could without spilling back to the barn.

Going up the stairs was tricky, and I had to be sure to hold the bucket level while climbing gently so as not to slop any water onto the wood. At the top of the stairs, I looked quickly towards the bed, and then let out a breath of relief I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Red Thunder was still there and he was still all right. I don't know why I was so worried something might have happened to him, I knew the chances of that were slim. He was safe and hidden up here, but that did not seem to soothe my fears any. I was probably just being paranoid and overprotective, what with having all this responsibility on me to keep Red Thunder safe and heal him.

It was all up to me.

I swallowed nervously. Well, I had already promised I would make sure he got better, and I wasn't about to break that. I would do everything I possibly could for my warrior.

Red Thunder's eyes opened as I set the bucket next to him, and I knew he had likely been sleeping. A traumatic injury like his could do that to you, but it was not a bad sign, rather just the body's way of shutting down to repair itself. As soon as I was done with the rest of his bath, I would leave him in peace to sleep through the night. I would try to sneak out at least once however, to check for signs of fever or infection. I would just need to be extremely careful, as our house was small and my father highly alert.

Touching Red Thunder's shoulder over the cover gently, even that contact sending warm waves through me, I asked him, "Still up for a quick bath?"

He groaned, but nodded the affirmative.

"All right, I'm just going to pull the blankets down. I'll try and be fast so I can get you snuggled back up."

His lips twitched in a smile, "Yes. 'Snuggled' sounds good."

I laughed and pulled the cover down, trying to ignore the smooth expanse of muscled back, thighs and leg exposed to my overly curious gaze. I pulled the bottom of the blankets up to scrunch around his hips, covering his bottom. Dipping a clean cloth in the water, I softly began to rub his back around his bandaged wound, trying to be firm enough to get the grime off, but gentle enough as not to hurt his tender flesh.

He let out a deep groan and I stopped suddenly, scared I had hurt him. "Red Thunder, are you alright? Should I stop?"

He grunted. "No. Do not stop, I am all right. Just feels good."

I blushed and peeped out, "Oh," but continued my ministrations.

I finished washing his back, then moved onto his legs and arms using the soap. Done with that, I rinsed him with a clean rag, making sure he was spick-and-span.

"Alrighty, that's that for this side! Now let's try and carefully move you to your side."


I stopped, surprised.

"What?" I asked in confusion. "What do you mean 'no'?"

"No, you missed a spot."

I furrowed my brows. Well I certainly didn't think so! But I would oblige him if he thought I did, he was my patient after all.

"Okay then, where did I miss?"

His big dark hand came up and around to lightly tap his backside, which I had managed to keep sufficiently covered throughout the process.

"Here," he stated simply.

My mouth dropped open. Surely he didn't expect me to clean his... his rump! He was not that dirty after all! A woman had her limits.

"I- I'm afraid that is not entirely proper Red Thunder, that I see your, um, private bits."

He snorted. "I think, Winnie, this will be alright. My bottom is not 'private bits.' I am wounded, and you are my healer. I will not touch you, this I promise. " I saw the teasing smile on his lips and knew he thought my sense of propriety amusing.

"Oh okay fine!" I huffed out in exasperation, though inside my stomach was swirling with nervousness. I certainly had never touched a man's backside before! Seen some occasionally yes, I had a younger brother fond of streaking after all, but that hardly counted. I'd also seen rumps of severely injured or sick men that I had tended with my grandmother, but that had been a while ago. And I had certainly never found any of those patients attractive!

I had to admit, I was curious to know if Red Thunder's beautiful, reddish brown hued skin was that color everywhere. So far that seemed to be the case, but one wondered...

Decision made, I quickly pulled down the blanket and tried to ignore the muscled copper buttocks before me. Yes, he was colored everywhere!

Blushing furiously, I swiped efficiently with the soaped cloth, and then rinsed my warrior's rump with a clean wet cloth in record time. Red Thunder seemed to be holding his breath the entire time. Huh.

Finished, I quickly pulled the cover back up, and told him in a highly professional manner, quite contrary to what I currently felt, "Alright then, let's turn you over now."

Red Thunder complied, and with my support, he turned onto his left side. Not all the way on his back, as that would cause him more pain to be on his injury, but just enough that I could wash his front. It was still painful for him however, and I comforted my brave patient by tenderly pushing his thick braid out of his face. I tried to convince myself this was all strictly for the sake of his health, and nothing to do with the churning feelings of attraction inside me, but I didn't fully believe it.

"After this you will be free to get some more rest," I told him encouragingly. He nodded; tight lipped, fighting the discomfort holding himself in this position brought, stretching his damaged skin and pulling at his damaged muscle.

I would be fast.

Washing his chest was decidedly more disconcerting than washing his back. Red Thunder's small, brown male nipples hardened under my scrubbing. The slightly pinkish scars above them drew my eyes. I could feel them and his nipples ever so slightly through the cloth, the sensation curling heat low in my belly, making me angry with my own body. This was my patient for heavens sake! It was surely sinful to think of him in any manner but a professional one.

Moving on to his toned belly, legs and feet, I noticed with surprise he was not in the least bit ticklish! Even when I attempted to sneakily stroke the sole of his foot lightly with my nails, he didn't utter a peep or flinch. Well then, he really was the stone-hard warrior he appeared to be! As for myself, I was so ticklish I often couldn't wash my own feet without bursting into laughter, a trait my brother took advantage of ruthlessly.

When I'd finished and went to place the cloth and soap on the nightstand, Red Thunder cleared his throat pointedly. I turned around stiffly, expecting what was coming and dreading it.

"Yes?" I asked crisply.

"You missed a spot. Again."

I smiled thinly. "And where might that be?"

This time he brought his hand down and cupped his crotch nonchalantly, making my eyes bug out in shock.


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