You and Nate where out, not for a mission

More so for materials

Walking past a farm near sanctuary
You where loaded with junk
Your back was hurting from all the weight nate has been giving you

You even took some buff outs to be able to just walk

"N-nate.. mind helping?" You said sweating

"Just hold as much as you can and I'll hold the max I can too.. the settlements need more generators and water pumps" he said picking up some duck tape

Walking by a settlement
You dropped the bag and threw yourself on the couch they had

You watched as nate started building things for the settlement

You rubbed your legs in pain
"My god! My legs hurt!" You yelled out

"Good! Means you did some work! Here.. I just finished making some weights, try to boost up your straight" he said lifting the weights a bit himself

Feeling a little annoyed
You listened, you couldn't do much plus.. you where out of shape so you agreed

After letting nate finish up

You grabbed the weight and started doing squats because who wouldn't want to have nice thick legs

- time passed -

After going around with nate
You two started to make your way back to sanctuary

Feeling tired
You walked straight to the bed and flopped yourself

Slowly your eyes feeling heavy
You let the tiredness win and pass out

Soon to wake up late at night

Feeling something warm next to you
You noticed Dogmeat
You smiled to yourself and got up from bed

Looking out the window you see the moon light shining down on you

If you where to guess it was probably midnight

You turned on the radio that sat next to the bed and listened as you watched the snow reflect the moon light

You did love the snow at times

Deciding to get dressed
You grabbed your brown coat that once belonged to nick and threw it around you

Heading out you noticed something
But couldn't point it out

Simply brushing it off
You walked to the bridge leading off to the commonwealth

Sitting down, you let your legs dangle off from the broken side looking down at the thin frozen lake

It was thin enough to see the water still underneath

You watched as your warm breathing leave your body and into the air leaving a small fog

'Wonder if nicks alright now.. it's been a few weeks' You thought to yourself

'Dose he even want me back?'

You where lost in thought
Till the sound of the old bridge crack

Snapping you out of it, you quickly turned your head to the right to see nothing

Slowly getting up
You felt arms throw you off the bridge, braking the thin ice and into the ice cold river

Quickly getting up you noticed three man

"Ahah! Hay bitch!" You heard


Trying to get out of the water to reach the sirens to warn everyone but
The heavyweight on you and the ice breaking underneath you wasn't helping

One of the men pulled you out by the hair and dragged you to the other side of the bridge taking you away from sanctuary

You wanted to scream but the cold from the water and the freezing air
Leaving you breathless
Shaking uncontrollably

"Ahah! Look! She can't even scream" one of the men spoke

"Hay you know she's kinda cute, wonder how she looks underneath all of those rags" another man said still pulling you by the hair and took you to red rocket

You couldn't move the clothes now frozen it made it difficult for you to move

The men didn't bother
They just ripped off the clothes by force
Hurting your and ripping the clothes off

One of the men forced you down on the table and pulled down your underwear

"Ahah looks like little girl isn't going to fight it.. Eheh on I'm going to take my time, you boys wait outside while I finish up" spoke a man that seemed to be the leader of the group

'What am I doing?' You asked yourself
'Am I really going to let him do this?'

You heard the man slowly pulling his pants down

And that's where you reacted

Getting off the table you kicked the man in between the legs making him duck down

Once again you threw your leg but kicking his face
Making his head flying backwards to then hit his head on one of the tables behind him

Taking off the pants and grabbed the frozen coat

You didn't want to leave it behind

You ran out of the gas station with just shirt and underwear
Running in the cold snow bear foot

"Get that bitch!"
You heard one of the men yell out

Crossing the bridge you flipped the switch to turn on the sirens


Preston was the first to come out then nate then the rest of the settlers

You ran to Preston and watched as everyone chase out the raiders

"We'll will come back for you bitch!" The leader yelled out

As if you weren't pissed off already
You grabbed a sniper rifle from one of the settlers and aimed at the running raiders

Pulling the trigger
You watched as the body drop
And so did the other two raiders

"Well.. they didn't get far.. nice aim (y/n)" Preston said very surprised

"No one.. and I mean.. no one touches me" you said shivering
After all
You are in just underwear and shirt with a freezing cold coat

"Come on.. let's get you warmed up" said handing you his long coat then pick you up bride style

I'm not really sure if you guys are liking the book so far, or the story line

I just wanted to make it different from the actual game

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