Chapter 1: Alive.

Start from the beginning

Lance clenched his right arm as the pain shot through him. But he continued going.

"I need to check on Allura" he convined himself as he continued walking the long empty corridors.

----Allura's POV----
"Princess are you feeling any better?" Coran wondered about the room worried.

"Yes Coran I am fine. You have been asking me this since I got here. We must get back to Voltron." She went to stand up but collapsed when she put her mass into her right leg. Coran leapt to her aid and caught her.

"Princess, I want to get back to voltron as much as you do but you're in no condition." Coran stated with worry whilst lifting her back on to the bed.

"How long has it been...? How are the other paladins?" Allura asked.

"As far as I know the other paladins are fine and well. And I believe you have been here for ....if I take the 1 and put the 2 here....then add the 6... 30000 earth months! I think?"

"You mean 3 months." Lance smugly said leaning on the doorway.

"Lance! Are you alright?" Allura gasped.

"I'm good princess, how about you?"

"Well she seems to have trouble walking on her right leg" Coran  stared at Allura with concern.

"You too princess?" Hunk lurked from behind Lance "I have a similar problem but on my left leg"

"HUNK! You're crushing me....." Pidge gasped for air underneath Hunks arm.

"Ah, sorry Pidge" Hunk smiled lightly before leaning against the wall"

"I have a problem with my left arm... I can move it but it's painful" Pidge stated, clenching her arm.

"My right arm hurts. The same way it hurts you Pidge...." Lance clenched his arm.

"Wait a minute....I'm the blue lion...and also the right foot. Lance, you're the red lion and the right arm..Pidge you're the green lion and the left arm-"

"And I'm the left foot" Hunk added.

"Our injuries all seem to correspond with our places in the lions-" Pidge began

"Wait..Keith is the head." Lance interrupted. Each of the paladins glanced at each other in panic. And with support from each other, dashed off to his room.

----Shiro's POV----
'Allura,Lance,Pidge,Hunk,Keith... I couldn't protect any of them...'


'I couldn't protect any of them.'

He thought, sat at the end of Keith's bed. After waving goodbye to his mother and Kosmo he hadn't woken up and that was 2 weeks ago.

Shiro stood up and walked closer to Keith. He brushed his hair past his closed eyes and saw the bandages wrapped around his head and sighed.

'It should be me who is suffering..not you Keith'

----flashback to 3 months ago----
"The blue lion has been found. I repeat, the blue lion has been found."


"The green lion has been found. I repeat, the green lion has been found"

Come on....

"The yellow lion has been found. I repeat, the yellow lion has been found"

Keep looking.....

"The red lion has been found. I repeat, the red lion has been found"

Just one more...please!

"...The black lion....hasn't been found..."


" Allura! Get her to the hospital now!"

"Please! Anyone please! Help my little sister!"

"Oh my goodness Hunk...please save him. He-he's a paladin"

"Lance! Brother please! Open your eyes! Please! Anything!"

"The black lion still hasn't been found, I repeat the black lion hasn't been found"

Maybe if I connect with the black lion..please...just one more time..let me save him

It was beautiful and spacious. The stars looked so close, it was like I could just touch it...!!??..

The black lion. It's in front of me but...something is wrong with it. Almost like it is dying...

Hey! Black lion! Can you hear me? was unresponsive...
Keith! Are you here? Can you hear me?
...still nothing....

The beautiful spacious place was so large and empty. The silence of it seemed almost impossible to achieve nowadays. No, now is not the time to think about that.

Keith! Black lion! Anyone! Answer me!

Shiro? Is that you

Where are you right now?

I-I don't know. The black lion protected me but it's energy is almost completely gone...I think it's dying..
Shiro. You have to find the black lion. Voltron still needs it. I don't know if I'm still alive but the universe still needs voltron. Please find it.

Keith, I'm not giving up on you.

I know you're not. Thanks Shiro.

"The black lion has been found. I repeat, the black lion has been found."


'Maybe...just maybe, you're trapped in the black lion.'

Shiro stared at the handsome face of Keith.

'I won't leave you. I'm never making that same mistake again.....'

Shiro closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

'Keith, please wake up'

A sweet and strange smell began to surround the room. Shiro covered his nose but it was no use. The sweet aroma took control of Shiro, he leaned in towards the sleeping Keith.

His lips looked so soft, his eyelashes were so long and dark and his skin so smooth and pale.

Shiro leaned in close to the sleeping male and parted his lips...just a taste kiss.....


Another Chance (Voltron)(Shiro x Keith)Where stories live. Discover now