Jealous (Liam Dunbar)

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Summary: Liam gets jealous when he sees Brett flirting with you.

Date Published: 03.08.16

It was just before the lacrosse game when Brett Talbot approached you.

Normally you would have just walked away from him considering you had been told by everyone in Scott's pack that he was an ass but the fact that you were sitting with Mason while waiting for the game to start didn't give you many hiding places.

"What's your name beautiful?" He asked you with a smirk plastered on his face as he looked down at you. You had to admit he was cute, hell, he was one of the hottest guys on the field. But there was something about him you didn't like which was why you rolled your eyes and flipped your hair over your shoulder before turning away from him.

Mason was all but drooling besides you at the sight of this too-good-looking-for-his-own-good boy and the faint smile on your lips was because of that and only because of that but Brett seemed to think it was just a sign that you were playing hard to get.

"What do you think about you and me seeing a movie after this?" He said with the smirk still on his lips.

Before you could answer you heard yelling coming from the benches in front of you and turned to see what was happening. Scott and Stiles were frantically grabbing at a furious Liam Dunbar who was desperately trying to break away from the older boys' grips on him. You ran down to the field immediately without saying or explaining anything to Brett or Mason and joined Scott and Stiles to stand in front of Liam.

His eyes were glowing but when he saw you he seemed to calm down and they slowly faded back into the beautiful blue colour that you loved. You weren't officially dating or anything but you and him did flirt a lot and hung out with each other nearly every day of the week. You also had feelings for him but you didn't know if he felt the same way about you as you did about him.

"Give me a minute." You told Scott and Stiles when Liam was under control again. They nodded and walked away leaving you alone with Liam who was panting slightly but it didn't seem like he would wolf out again.

"What happened? I thought you were getting better with the control?" You asked him as you stood in front of him.

"What happened? I heard him flirting with you Y/N! He's like my worst enemy and you two were flirting!" His outburst caused your eyes to widen but then a sly smile made its way to your face as a sudden thought came to you, "Liam Dunbar, are you jealous?"

He blinked a few times and then you saw a faint red blush make its way to his face which only confirmed your suspicions and made your smile grow. You took a step towards him so you were almost standing chest to chest with him and he watched you with widened eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck to bring you closer together.

"You have nothing to be jealous of." You whispered and he nodded slowly, eyes fixed on your lips. "I don't like other guys flirting with you." He mumbled and you nodded your head too.

And then his lips were on yours, surprising you with the urgency the kiss held as he captured your lips and brought you into the bruising kiss. You tightened your arms around his neck as his fell to your waist to pull you closer towards him.

You couldn't tell how long the kiss lasted, all you knew was that after it the look Brett shot Liam after watching the entire thing was one that if looks could kill would make Liam lie six feet under. You only broke away when Coach yelled at Liam to get on the field and that was with an annoyed eye roll and a groan disagreement from you.

"I'll see you after the game." Liam whispered against your lips and you pecked his lips once more before walking back towards Mason to your seat in the bleachers.

"Well I think that PDA definitely showed him" He motioned to Brett who was angrily checking his gear,

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You said with a playful smile on your face as you watched Liam. 

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