Outburst *Full* (Liam Dunbar)

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On my tumblr this is split into two different parts so it may seem a bit longer than my usual posts, enjoy! 

Date Published: 31.01.17

You could see them from across the lacrosse field again. Their lips were locked together while they clung to each other as though they were both their own lifelines. The familiar feeling of despair and jealously began creeping to the surface as you stood and watched them, unable to take your eyes away from the scene despite how much it pained you to see them together.

You wished you were in her place, you wished he would look at you the way he looks at her and you wished more than anything your claws would stop causing the palms of your hand to bleed as they dug into your skin.

Brett Talbot suddenly ran over to you, smelling your blood from across the field and soon Scott, Stiles and Kira joined him by your side.

"Y/N you need to calm down." Scott tried to reason with you, you were breathing heavily now, your anger getting the best of you as you felt yourself beginning to shift. In the moment, it didn't matter that there were crowds of people sitting in the bleachers waiting for the lacrosse game to start. It didn't matter that you were risking exposing yourself to every human being - including your own family - who sat in those bleachers.

All that mattered was Liam, still oblivious to the relentless stares you continued to give him and Hayden as they continued to kiss the life out of each other in front of you.

"Get her out of here now." Stiles told Brett who quickly ushered you away which finally caught the attention of Scott's Beta as he pulled away from his girlfriend to watch you fleeing the scene with Brett as you ran across the field.

He watched you leave and shrugged of Hayden's attempts to go back to their previous activities, before watching Scott run off in the same direction you had fled to with Kira by his side.

As a member of Brett's pack it was only natural for him to be around you while you lost control and being around a True Alpha usually calmed you down but it wasn't enough this time. Watching him with her again. Seeing him touching and kissing her again while you are made to stand idly by and accept it was just too much.

So as you stood in the showers in only a sports bra (after ripping your lacrosse jersey off on the way into the locker room) and thrashed around violently as Scott, Brett and Kira tried to hold you under the ice cold water you couldn't help but think if he did it on purpose, if he was trying to send you a message that he would never want you in the way that you wanted him.

Soon enough you calmed down a few minutes before the game started and you couldn't have felt any less prepared for it. You requested for five minutes alone in the locker room as you gathered your baring's and began searching for your jersey while everyone filed out, though your moments alone were quickly interrupted as Liam barged into the room without warning.

It took him a few moments to realise what he had walked in to, you were drenched from head to toe from the shower and only wore a sports bra since your jersey was nowhere to be found anymore.

"Liam get out!" You screeched as you turned around in a means to hide yourself from him, and not only because you were half naked in front of him. You couldn't bare to see his face when you knew just moments prior to the moment he had been lip locking with the girl you despised the most.

"You've been acting really weird Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked genuinely concerned but you couldn't make yourself turn around to look at him.

"Nothing I'm fine Liam, just go. Please." He grabbed your shoulder and forced you to look at him after this, staring straight into your eyes which only made you want to hide away even more.

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