Completely different..

His calmness in everything, was and is something I've always envied..
Even a few days ago, he was the calmness before the storm, yet deadlier than raging thunder.

What happened a few days ago?

I got lost..


"Bye, bye oni-chan!!" Akiko-chan yelled as she let her mother take her away.

With everything quieting down just a bit, declarations and paper works, the elder Akashi decided I needed to get out of the house and take a breather.
Nii-san and I went to shop for clothes and supplies I 'needed'.

Yes I was not happy having to waste money on such small things, especially since I had more than enough clothes and everything I really needed.
But my brother wouldn't let up, and as expected, he won every argument we had, soon enough, I decided to let him be and just observe the area around.

It was an unfamiliar area so I was quite curious about everything.

On the way out of the... extramarket (I refuse to call that place a supermarket, it was huge!) we bumped with Akiko-chan and her mother.
The girl had spotted me right away and came to say 'hi'.
With permission from Seijuro-nii, who had other matters to attend, I let the small bundle of joy and flowers drag me away.

We went to a park and played like no tomorrow, and for a few moments, I was glad to leave the reality that ruined me, only to be back a few hours later, when the sun was starting to set and it was time for the innocent girl to leave.

I called Seijuro-nii and let him know where I was. He hurriedly told me where to go and wait for him, since he still had something to take care of, but...

"Well, well, well, look at this. Akashi Tetsuya." The smirk on his face was obvious, his evil intents all the same. I was facing the devil, Haizaki Shougo. 

He was the same as before, gray spiky hair, evil eyes and crooked grin. "Lost?" Shoving his hands on his jeans' pockets, he took two steps forward, hunching in that gangster-like way.

I didn't answer. I couldn't..

For he was right, I had lost.. I was lost in the middle of a big city. And I was lost in the battle they call life.
I didn't look at him in the eye, I had nothing left to say to him, not even 'I hate you' for nothing could change what had happened. Turning around, I decided to just leave, they say stay away from strangers after all.

"Answer me, you idiot!" Air left my lungs. The snake had his arms around my neck, cutting off my air supply and dragging me backwards. "Or are you so high and mighty you can't even spare us a minute anymore?!"

"L-let go!" My weak hands scratched at his arm but this small resistance didn't seem to faze him and soon enough I found myself in a dark alley.

Quickly letting me go, he smashed my head against the bricked wall, so hard it could've cracked open. True enough, my vision blurred and covered by a dark layer of liquid. White dots filled my blackened vision and I grunted in pain, moving to hold the aching spot but stopped by the devil behind me. The ash haired male kept my arm twisted behind my back, tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled it back.
"Huh? Can't speak?!" He pushed me to the ground and kicked my side three times. "A LITTLE BRAT LIKE YOU! A GOOD FOR NOTHING LIKE YOU GOES AND HAVE SUCH LUCK?! THERE'S NO WAY!" His breathing was hard and rapid, I opened one eye to see his fist clenched tight and shaking, his eyes hidden by his hair and shoulders trembling with each intake of breath.

I knew I shouldn't.. I knew it was wrong, but in that moment I couldn't help but sympathize with him.

Feeling envy, wanting more than you have... wanting to fit in despite your differences..
That's something I always wanted.. and always will want..

"You.. you're just another rich brat who can't do anything on his own!!!" His fist pulled back, ready to strike again, however, stopped..

~end flashback~


I didn't want this...


Hands gripped my shoulders and shook me. I looked to my left to see the red eyes of my brother worridly gazing at me.
"Hai?" I asked in a daze.

I didn't want this ...

"Are you ok?" The grip on my shoulders got tighter and his gaze seemed to burn me.

"I'm fine." No I'm not..

"That so?.."

"Yes." No.

"Why are you crying then?"


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