Chapter 18: Through the Rift

Start from the beginning

(if you dare say my little blueberry is not cute, I will personally hunt you down and kill you)

"No, Tyrone! The brown haired spoiled brat," you pointed out, gesturing to him.

"That's Dipper."

"No, that's Tyrone. And speaking about him, I need to give him a piece of my mind for locking me in his damn room for the entire day!" you declared, standing up, only to be pulled down by Gideon.

"Are you insane!? Dipper or not, that is still a Gleeful, they are literal devils on Earth!" whisper-shouted Gideon.

"Gideon? Why are you here?" someone looked over the bush, it was Mabel. Her brother was right behind her.

"Cut the crap, Gleeful, we don't want anything to do with you," Gideon scowled.

"Okay, so everyone has a grudge, let's go, the air here is starting to smell, did an animal poop around here or something?" you said, shooting Tyrone a look, "oh wait, it's just you."

Before he could say anything, the space beside you burst into bright light. It was dazzling and temporarily blinded you. It felt like you were staring at the sun.

All of a sudden, someone pulled you up and pushed you, it wasn't your average gentle nudge on the shoulder, it was a full on push. You fell and felt the light around you intensify.

The world went dark, yet dazzling at the same time and your eyes didn't seem to work.

Finally, the light dimmed. After blinking for about a hundredth time, you could see again.

You stood up and brushed yourself off, "argh, what was that for?" it was probably Pacifica, she does freak out in a state of confusion.

"Who pushed me?"

You turned to face the voice, Tyrone. Rolling your eyes, you turned away, "come on, Gideon, I'm sure you wanted to see that, let's go."

Gideon was nowhere to be seen. Pacifica disappeared too.

"Gideon? Pacifica?"

"Mabel? Will?"

"Will you shut up for a moment, your voice is making my head hurt!" you snapped, "where the hell are they!?"

"What happened to you?" asked Tyrone, adjusting his vest, he looked at you with blue eyes that threatened to melt you.

"Well, I woke up in your damn house, got locked for an entire day, came home and got pushed while I was confused and blinded. Now I can't even find two simple humans!"

Relax, (Y/N), don't lose your cool. Anyways, you looked over at Tyrone, he looked deep in thought and didn't want to talk. You were fine with it though.

Finally, he spoke up, "I think we came through the rift."

"Yeah, and I'm a millionaire," you replied sarcastically. However, you wanted an answer so badly that you sort of believed it.

"Believe it or not, it's your choice. It's just a theory. And you can be a millionaire if you want. I mean, you know me an-"

You cut him off with a glare. Please, you rather grow a relationship with his great uncle than him. Wait, that sounds disgusting, let's lock that thought up and melt the key.

"If we really fell through the rift, it should reopen in a week. Let's just wait here," he suggested.

"One week with nobody but you? No," you said, walking away. You are not going to stay a week with Tyrone, that's for sure. Even if he was the last person on Earth.

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