Chapter 4

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The thing is looking at me dangerously, and well, I'm scared. He is giving me a glare that is so terrifying, it would make even the basalic cower in fear.
"Percy Jackson has no twin! He only has two brothers, and they only are related cuz of his father! You my dear whatever you are, are no Tyson or Triton." I step back, and well, I'm scared. Suddenly, words are heard.
"Grover, get over here now! Percy, we're loosing him! We need you now!" Grover pales then gallops to the infirmary, and I rush after him. I quickly follow, with the wizards following me. When I get into the infirmary, I see two blond folks doing something to my brother, a blond girl crying into a black haired girls chest, and Grover trying to help.
"What happened to him?" They all look at me, then at each other.
"He used too much of his energy to save us, he was still too injured to do anything. I'm sorry, but we weren't able to save him." The blond girl, Annabeth, I believe her name was, starts to sob again into the black haired girls chest.
"What do you mean you weren't able to save him Will?? Percy is the Demigod that has kept us all alive, and managed to change things for the better, and he is our leader?!? He can't be dead! I'm not loosing another cousin, I can't!" Then the girl starts to cry, Annabeth approaches Percy's pale lifeless body, and starts to sob into his chest.

Annabeth (didn't expect that now did you? Hehehe!)

I can't believe this, he's gone. My Seaweed Brain is dead, he can't be. We where going to get married, and go to collage in Mew Rome. He can't be gone!
"Percy, please, I need you. The Camps need you. Seaweed Brain, please don't leave me!" I'm now sobbing into his chest, I don't know what to believe right now. Both Camps are gathered outside the infirmary to hear of the state of the injured. Only a few people even know that Percy got injured, this is not going to be a good day. Suddenly Nico enters the room wide eyed and shocked.
"No, no! He can't be gone, Percy shouldn't have died! I didn't want to believe it, Will, please tell me this isn't true!" I hear Nico's voice cracking, and he is trying to be strong. I look up to see Will shake his head no, and Nico collapsing in tears. The Wizards, they are standing there doing nothing, just staring. I get mad, they distracted Percy, they are the reason he got hurt.
"GET OUT!" They look startled, but Will tries to comfort me.
"Annabeth, calm down. You need to calm down."
"No, Will, I will not. They need to get the Tartarus out of this room. PERCY DIED BECAUSE THEY DISTRACTED HIM! IF NOT FOR THEM, PERCY WOULD STILL BE ALIVE RIGHT NOW!" I'm yelling, not loud enough for everyone to hear, just this room.
"Look, Percy was Harry's Brother. He deserves to be here." I glare at the red head, then I successfully push all the wizards out of the infirmary. Then I go right back to my boyfriends body and I cry my eyes out, not caring about anything but the fact he died so that everyone could live.


I know I died, how might you ask? I'm standing before the judges who are determining where I'm gonna end up.
"Perseus Achilles Jackson, you my boy, are undecided. The fates did not cut your life string, yet here you are. So, we are not yet certain of your fate. So, you will stay with your Uncle, Hades, till we figure out what to do with you." I nod then leave the chamber, I'm hurting on the inside. I died, and me and Annabeth where gonna get married. Annabeth! Gods, she is gonna kill me when she dies!!! I am greeted by my uncle, and he looks apologetic.
"Percy, I'm terribly sorry that you died. I hoped the fates would let you live longer and maybe get some peace." I smile at my uncle.
"Uncle Hades, it's fine. I died to protect my family and friends, I only regret dying. Not helping everyone, I was going to marry Annabeth though." I sigh and look down, Hades looks shocked.
"Percy, your father is grieving. He is so depressed, only I know your soul has been undecided."
"The only reason I'm undecided is cuz I should still be alive, by the way, how is everyone reacting to my death?" He looks sad at this.
"Your mother is devastated, Annabeth was forced away from your body so your body could be prepared for your shroud, your father is extremely depressed about it, and the camps have yet to learn of your death. The gods have allowed your funeral to be held on Olympus, because you have saved it so many times. There are also going to be statues built in your honor, one at each camp, and one in Olympus." I'm shocked, first off, how could I forget about my mom, second statues?
"Uncle Hades, can my spirit appear at my shroud burning? I want to say some things to the people as my body burns, last words of comfort if you will?"
"Of course Percy, however it will hurt a bit, but you will be able to." I nod and thank him, then he takes me to his house. There I must stay hidden for now, till my fate is decided.

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