Chapter 2

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As I sat in my cabin, just wondering why are the fates so cruel to me? Annabeth manages to get into my cabin, I curse silently in greek. I hopped everyone had given up on trying to get me out of my cabin, of course Annabeth is the one who actually manages to get here. She looks at me then, smiles.

"Percy, come on." I shake my head, but then hear screaming. I quickly bolt up, and look out my window. I am horrified by what I see. Monsters have gotten into camp, and are starting to burn it down. Annabeth courses, then grabs my backpack and starts to stuff it with stuff.

"Percy, you have to get out of here! You have to get to London." I stare at her in shock.

"No, Annabeth I promised you that I'd always be here for you. I dont break my promises!" She sighed.

"Seaweed Brain, you have to leave. They will kill you if you dont!" More screams are heard, and we both look outside. What I see makes my blood boil, Monsters are starting to kill the campers. That is IT!!!!

I rush out of my cabin, and I'm pissed. The monsters notice me, then charge. I uncapped Riptide, and started to hack and kill Monsters. I didn't notice the mini hurricane that formed around me, or the earthquake that was shaking the ground. All I cared about where these monsters Killing my family, my godly related cousins, nieces, and nephews. I quickly disposed of the monsters, but then Annabeth was shouting my name. I quickly stopped the natural disasters I caused, and used my water powers to put out the fires. I ran back to my cabin, desperate to find something, Annabeth found me and started to yell at me.

"One second Annabeth, I'm looking for something important!" She sighs then sits down to wait, I finally find what I was looking for. It was a little box, but it's what's in the box thats important.

"Percy, you have been looking for a box!!!"

"Wise Girls quiet down. I need to give you something before I go." This got her quiet., I opened the box and gave it to her. She gasped, probably noticing the two pieces of jewelry inside.

"Percy, what?" I cut her off, I really have to go, but not before I explain.

"This is a promise ring, I promise that I'll always be there for you Annabeth. It's made of silver, you'll notice there is an owl engraved on it with two different eye colors." She nods, then here comes the fun part.

"Depending on which one you hit, will determine which weapon appears. If you hit the emerald, a celestial bronze dagger will appear. I'm not telling you its name, for that would ruin it. However, if you press the Dimond, a silver dagger will appear. Just in case you run into a werewolf, never know. The silver also has some mortal iron on it, so that blade will work against mortals, only use it against them if they threaten you." She nods, with tears in her eyes, Probably notices the messege engraved on it. Together Forever- Seaweed Brain.

"Now, I know you like my shield Tyson made me, and how your armor got a little destroyed fighting Great Godly-Gramma. So, the bracelet is a one of a kind accessory." I put it on her wrist, and then it glows slightly before stopping.

"This is like the ring, however its still different. If you hit the Dimond on the left side, a shield will pop up. If you hit the Diamond on the right side, greek battle armor will appear. This is the fun part, if you hit both at the same time, both armor and shield will pop up. Don't worry about loosing either of them, for my dad blessed them so they will allays return to you." Annabeth is crying, and then I give her a hug, when we separate, I give her a kiss then call for Blackjack. Annabeth has yet to see whats engraved on the bracelet, it says You will always be my Wise Girl, The Architect of the Gods, and the best Demigoddess ever. -Seaweed Brain

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