We get to the airport and begin to board.

"Boarding pass?" Says the flight attendant

"Here you go." I say handing it to her.

"Thank you." She says, smiling.

I take a deep breath and step onto the plane. I'm going to be in the city where I'm living in about 15 hours...

"Come on, Millie." My mom says, pulling me to our seats.

"We will be taking off momentarily." A voice says, coming from the speaker above our heads.

I look over and I see a woman. She is very pale and she begins to throw up, making the plane smell awful.

"Millie, put this on." My mom says, handing me a mask to go over my mouth and nose.


"With leukemia, it makes it really difficult for your body to fight off infections, and I don't want you catching whatever she has." She explains. I nod and put the mask on, attempting to fall asleep, but am woken up by the plane shaking and lifting off of the ground. It scared me a little, so I began to breathe really heavily, but my breathing calmed down after a while.


"Ladies and gentleman, if you look out your windows, you will see Atlanta, Georgia. We will be landing shortly. Thank you."

I look out my window and I see beautiful greenery. Atlanta is actually really pretty. Maybe this won't be that bad.

We get off of the plane and it is definitely warmer than it is in England. I feel actually very happy that I'm here. I actually feel good about being here. Then I remember that I told Maddie and Lilia that I'd text them so that's what I did.

Millster: hey guys, im in atlanta :)

Lilia: yayyyyy

Maddie: your plane didnt crashhhhh

Millster: lol, I gotta go to baggage claim bye <3


"Okay, so we're actually going in for your first round of chemo today." Mom tells me.

"Today?" I say. My mom nods. I sigh. "I guess there was nothing I had planned to do today anyway..."

"We are actually going to see a specialist who can do a better chemo treatment than a normal doctor could." She explains. I nod, and we leave the apartment.

After our uber brings us to the hospital, we are sitting outside of the hospital and I am just looking up at it nervously.

"Are you gonna be ok?" Mom asks.

"Yeah. I think so..."

I take a deep breath and we walk in.

"Good evening. Do you have an appointment?" The attendant asks.

"Yes. Dr. Astin?"

"Ah yes. Hello Miss Brown. Are you ready for your first round of chemo?" She asks with a concerned face, leading me to the back.

"I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be. It's a bit scary having cancer at only 17..." I say.

"Very. Good luck, sweetie." She tells me, gesturing for me to sit down on the bed.

"Thank you." My mom says to the attendant. She smiles at me, worry still showing in her eyes. Then doctor Astin walked in.

"Hey guys!" He says, smiling.

"Hi." I say.

"Okay, I'm gonna ask you to come with me." He says, gesturing for me to stand up. We walk out of the room and go to the back. When I walk in the room where they do the chemo, there is a ton of machines. It's honestly a bit scary.


"Thank you so much." I tell Dr. Astin.

"No problem. I hope you can get well soon. I hope you make some friends at your new school!" He says. During the chemo I told him about how I was bullied at school, and now I am worried about even more bullies.

"How was it?" My mom asks.

"It didn't hurt. At least not yet." I say, and she nods.

"It's getting late, so we should get home." She tells me.

"Okay, but can we please get some food because I'm starving."

"Yeah. Where do you wanna go?" She asks.


"I guess so. Sure." She smiles.

We pull into the parking lot and get our food. We eat it, and it was really good. After we finish eating, we go back home and go to bed.


Okay, this chapter really sucked and it was super short, so I'm sorry about that, but please just stick with me lol. It will get a lot better I promise :)

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