Without further ado the brunette followed suit and dressed comfortably but also in clothes suitable to go out in. It was similar to what she wore the previous night because there was no telling what would happen in the later part of the night.

For now though, the girl sat down with her new brush in front of the mirror. After two nights sleeping in the dirt and having ridden on the back of a motorcycle the witch could tell her hair wasn't happy with her. Magic could only accomplish so much. It was times like this that she wished for her wizarding world hair products, or at least muggle ones from the late nineties instead of the things Ginny bought for her.

Her brown eyes flicked to the cans of hairspray but away again just as fast. She didn't need volume or something to make her hair anymore uncontrollable than it already was. Ginny wasn't wrong about her hair fitting in here but still old habits and all.

"Let me do it."

Hermione nearly jumped as the other snuck up behind her. "What?"

"Your hair. I'll fix it up for you." The redhead gestured to the other girl's hair to emphasize her words.

"You mean you'll make it even more eighties-like," Hermione shot back.

"Well, I don't know if that's possible," she joked causing the older girl to contemplate the wisdom in allowing it before giving in.

"Fine... do whatever." Hermione held out the hairbrush to her and the girl happily took it before also grabbing the bag of hairspray.

"Don't go overboard though," she warned with a stern expression, hoping it had the same effect as her favorite professor. Judging by the gleeful and mischievous look in the redhead's eyes it didn't.

"Of course, don't worry. I know what I'm doing," she reassured her.

"Somehow, I'm not reassured," Hermione deadpanned.

"Oh, shush. You'll love it when I'm finished," the girl stated confident of her abilities.

Love it was quite a bold promise but by the time she was finished over an hour later Hermione decided that she didn't hate it.


The two witches found themselves outside of Michael's house just before dark, having decided to both wait it out and see if the Lost Boys showed up to do their intimidating bike show as well as see if their magic could hide them from said boys. Hopefully it would, because that would not only be a good thing to know but it would certainly move their plan along in the way they wanted it to. Who knew how the boys would react to the two of them hanging around outside the dwelling of their newest addition to their little vampire gang.

Watching the sun go down in silence with each other was a first but it wasn't a bad one. Still, after the colors faded and the stars appeared Ginny started to grow bored, she'd spent many long hours looking at the stars in Astronomy class after all.

Hermione passed her time by mentally naming the constellations while her fellow time-traveler dozed lightly against her shoulder only to be jolted awake when the sounds of motorbikes hit her ears.

She caught Hermione's eyes and held them for a moment until laughter and shouts, along with bright headlights, filled the area. It was actually scarier in person than just watching it through a scene the redhead decided, while gripping the other girl's arm a bit too tightly. The older witch didn't complain. It unnerved her too.

Soon it was over, and the pair looked towards the door to see Michael looking outside unaware that they were there. In fact, he was also unaware that the vampires were watching his every move as well before the door closed.

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