Azure's wants.

En başından başla

"Thank you doctor. Please if it becomes safe to have visitors, then call us. We'll really love to speak with him" Grey got to his feet and stretched out his hand to the doctor for a shake.

"Sure I will. Goodbye now, I'll see you later." When she shook Grey's hand, her hands lingered in his linger than usual and the doctor seemed to be looking and smiling at Grey in a way that Azure found uncomfortable.

"Aren't you going to let go of his hand!?" Azure didn't wait for him, she just walked out of the woman's office and stood outside waiting for him.

Grey was amused when he came outside, "Did anyone ever tell you how hot you look when you're jealous and angry all at once." He took her handbag from her into his right hand and used his left hand to take a hold of her hand as they walked out. Azure pouted and refused to look at him. 'just why do you have to be so handsome and catch the attention of every girl, I can't even have you to myself for a day!' she wondered.

"Come on, you can't be mad at me. I didn't do anything wrong."

"I hate her so much. How can she be flirting with you right in front of me, she acted like I wasn't even there."

Grey chuckled. "Do you want me to stop her from being your father's doctor?"

"Don't. She seems to know what she does, let her just be with him, I really don't care."

When the got into the car, Grey noticed Azure's unusual silence and he knew it had nothing to do with her being jealous and everything to do with her having conflicted feelings about her dad.

"How do you feel?"

"What do you mean?" Azure feigned ignorance.

"Your dad. Finding out that it wasn't his fault, does it help you hate him any less. Do you feel a sense of relief that he wasn't in his mind, are you okay in general?"

"Would you hate him any less if you were in my situation? I don't know if I'm being a horrible daughter but the truth is I don't hate him any less. I still think of him as a monster and just because he wasn't in his right mind doesn't make the hurt he made me feel disappear. It's even more horrifying that it wasn't his fault because now it feels like I don't have a reason to hate him. I don't know what to think at all. By the way, drop me off at Natalia's house."

"Natalia's house? Why is that?"
"I need to talk to her about something. Just drop me off there. Working at your office is quite boring. I'll come there tomorrow." Whenever Azure came to his office, he made her do some typing or some errands to keep her busy. He also got her opinion for some projects and much more.

"Fine. I don't expect you to like my line of work anyways. I'm seeing my PI today with regards to what the doctor said earlier. We can get a footage and see who exactly your father has been meeting for the past fifteen years. Whoever it is clearly has a connection with who we need."

"Good. You don't have to tell me what you do, just as long as in the end the bastard is caught and also, you might as well stop feeling guilty about that day. I don't remember it well and you should forget about it too."
"Liar. You haven't forgotten it. We have arrived at Talia's house. Go on in now."

"I want you to know that I love you. I love everything about you and I don't care what you said or what made you say them, my love for you only grew stronger seeing that we looked past it and moved on." She leaned in and gave him a deep kiss before she left the car.

Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin