Chapter 25 - Blast it

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Several engineers, alchemists, and researchers worked for the alpha prime of Gallen. The office and workshop were built into the heavily fortified wall that surrounded the entire city. Corinth had a similar wall but it was more for show and not nearly as reinforced or guarded as Gallen's.

The lead engineer had a private office off a main workroom where scientists built prototypes, conducted experiments, and worked out calculations and formulas. Chalkboards lined the walls fill with recipes, ideas, and drawings and Avery tried to drink it all in as she and Tobias stepped into the workshop. She didn't hear the room fall silent as the engineers noticed the Gallenese beta prime and a human standing at the entrance.

"Prime Sarlac. I present the famous alchemist of Corinth, Lady Avery," Tobias introduced formally as Sarlac stepped out of his office.

Sarlac's footsteps slowed as he approached and he looked down at Avery. He was taller than the average sapien though his face was still perfectly chiseled and Gallenese black hair slicked back. Avery thought he looked more like a cunning merchant than someone who poured over calculations and physics. After a brief moment of silence, he looked over at Tobias.

"Famous? I would say she was completely unknown before now. You never mentioned she was human," Sarlac said as though Avery wasn't in the room.

"Didn't I? Must have slipped my mind," Tobias responded.

Sarlac pinched his lips and nodded appreciatively. "Well played Tobias. I don't know where you found a human to complete this prank but I'm impressed with your dedication."

He turned away from the pair and headed back to his office, calling over his shoulder, "I'll have to think a long while to figure out how to get back at you for this."

He closed the door behind him.

Tobias blinked in surprise then turned to Avery. "That went well, I think."

She pinched her eyebrows together in uncertainty.

A messenger knocked on the door behind them. "Prime Tobias, you're needed in the—" She broke off as she noticed the human standing next to him and her eyes went wide.

Tobias waited but the messenger was completely distracted by Avery. He sighed and waved a hand in dismissal.

"Sounds important. Lead the way," he said to the female, ushering her back out the door without looking back.

Avery was torn between not wanting to be left behind and solving the calculation on the chalkboard. Her head swiveled from the door to the equation and back again, undecided. But Tobias was gone before she could make up her mind and she was left standing by the door with half a dozen sapiens staring at her.

"Can you read?" someone blurted out.

"No, I just randomly mix things together based on how pretty the colours are and hope that I don't blow myself up," Avery answered.


"That was a joke. Yes, I can read." She played with her arms, crossing and uncrossing them. "Tough crowd."

She gulped down her fear and took a shaky step towards the chalkboard. All eyes were on her as she picked up a piece of chalk and corrected the formula. A young male got up from his seat and frowned at the board. Avery imagined she could see the wheels in his brain turning as he tried to work out the result of her change. She took a deep breath then continued to write out the formula, solving the problem on the board. When she finished she returned the chalk to the holder and wiped her hand on her shirt.

"I've never thought about adding caoutchouc to the callikite. But maybe if we heat it up the materials will bond," Avery offered.

Two more engineers joined the first male and they stared at the board as though Avery weren't there.

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