Chapter 36 - Timeless Age

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Sari heard the group arrive on the front porch, just as Cora walked in to the foyer. They were exhausted, both physically and emotionally, and they trudged inside the house each brushing cheeks lightly with Sari as she welcomed them back. Cora directed them to dining room where a late supper had been laid out.

Avery peeled off her heavy outer layers and freed her feet from her boots. "How did she know we would be back right now to have the food perfectly ready?" she said to Adelyn beside her.

The alpha prime just shrugged and said, "It's her thing," and walked into the dining room.

Arctos moved into the space she made and hung up his own coat. Avery looked to him for an explanation. "What does that mean?"

"I try not to think about it too much. It hurts my brain," he sighed as he walked into the dining room.

A snort sounded from Niamh. "That's not too hard."

Arctos just walked up to the table and started filling his plate. The rest took their chairs without much discussion and between bites updated Sari on the meetings and events from the war camp.

"Interesting timing: the diversion was laid and the camp attacked when you were there visiting," Sari wondered.

"Very. It could be coincidence, I suppose." Arctos thought on it.

"Either way, they didn't account for Niamh and Adelyn to be there," Hayden interjected. "The casualties were tragic, but it could have been worse." He glanced down the table where Avery picked at her food and didn't look up. "There were some surprising heroes."

Adelyn gave Avery a warm smile but the human was busy pushing her food around her plate absentmindedly. Sari looked to Hayden but he shook his head to indicate he would tell her later.

They ate in tired silence for a while as Hayden filled in Sari on some of the details. When Avery suddenly spoke up, it caught them all off guard.

"How old do you think I am?" she asked.

They paused.

"I'm an adult right, I'm not growing anymore. But how much? Twenty? Thirty years?"

Niamh twisted her mouth, looking at Avery trying to guess. "Mid-twenties maybe?"

Avery nodded, considering. "Sometimes my body feels worn down, like I should be an old lady. Like today. Everything hurts today."

Adelyn tried to reassure her. "Well it's been a rough week--"

"And I'm only human," Avery finished with derision. "I'm going to head up. I feel like I could sleep for a month."

She got up and headed for the door without looking back, leaving a half-eaten plate of food behind.

The rest of the table watched her go with eyebrows raised.

Sari leaned back in her chair and glared at Roedin. "What did you do?"

Roedin looked hurt and then angry at the accusation. "Why did I do something wrong?"

"Because you're male. It's inevitable."

"I can't have done anything, I can hardly keep up! She's headstrong and stubborn and has no regard for her personal safety. It's no wonder she gets into trouble! She--"

"Is a strong, independent, intelligent woman," Adelyn cut in. "Sounds like you and Hayden should be comparing notes."

Sari took it as a compliment and grinned at Adelyn, then batted her eyelashes at her mate.

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