Chapter 37 - Terraly

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The stream opened in a gravel area of an outer courtyard of Khalil's palace in the city of Terraly. The area was set outside the wards that prevented anyone for slipping directly into or out of the castle, but within the principle palace walls. Roedin didn't immediately let of Avery's hand, but scanned the area quickly for any threats. He was certain his family was instinctively doing the same, though it was disguised as fussing with clothing or luggage.

Trees heavy with fresh blossoms clogged the royal park and petals littered the gravel courtyard. One of Khalil's primes greeted them on the slipping platform. She had clearly practiced, well aware that Corinth was ruled by a pair of alpha primes. The pack moved off the platform while porters collected their bags.

"I'm Prime Allana and I would be honoured to show you to the apartments that have been set up for—" She faltered as the human came into view.

Avery didn't even notice, or perhaps she now ignored people's reaction to her presence. Instead she was staring up at the castle turrets likely already analyzing the architecture that allowed them to stand so high. Roedin studied the prime's reaction carefully, already planning how he would send his Whispers out to track the rumours that would circulate.

"I..." Prime Allana struggled to recover. "How remarkable."

Adelyn painted a look of pleasant patience on her face but did not offer comment on the unusual composition of the alpha pack. Allana met Adelyn glare, blushed and regained her composure. "Please follow me."

The castle was elegant and complex, having been designed and rebuilt over the millennia. Twisting stairwells wound up to solitary towers and rooms built entirely of glass allowed for the full light of day to shine through. Spring was at its peak and cherry blossoms floated on the breeze like snowflakes. Roedin watched Avery twist and turn, trying to take in every sight at once. She didn't even try to hide the wonder in her face. While the rest of them practiced a cool aloofness Avery's face shone with wonder and delight.

"Did you know that several rooms have been replaced with walls of pure glass? It took the alchemist Samuel Son of DeNitor fifty-six years to combine the right minerals and magic to be able to support the roof above. Now you can see both the sunrise and sunset in the same place," Avery recited from her phenomenal memory.

She turned and walked backwards as she pointed to the tower behind them. "And I read the stairwells were designed to confuse invading forces so they often lead to nowhere. In fact—" She backed right into one of Alpha Prime Khalil's personal guards. He had the torso of a man but the body of a horse.

The Equus faunid didn't budge and Avery bounced off of him like she had hit a wall. His hand snapped out and grabbed her arm before she could fall. Avery stared up at him with wide eyes, not in fear, but in awe. His broad human torso towered over her and he stomped one of his four hoofed feet aggressively. He kept a firm grip on her arm as though he wasn't sure if she was part of the group or some trespasser.

"Are you a centaur? Like Kalmyk who ran across the desert to warn of the invasion?" Avery asked breathlessly.

She looked at the Equus like he was her long-lost hero; a character from a storybook come to life. Jealousy poured out of Roedin and before anyone could stop him he reached over and placed an equally firm grip on the guard's arm that was holding Avery. The whole group froze as the two faunids locked eyes.

Hayden casually placed Sari's arm in the crook of his elbow and took up a position of forced calm. "Avery, this is...?"

"Andas," the guard said tersely.

"Andas of Alpha Prime Khalil's personal guard. He is an Equus, on whom the myth of the centaurs was based."

Avery nodded, her mouth hanging open. Then she noticed the tension between Roedin and Andas and stuck her right hand out.

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