Chapter 20 Girlfriend At The Time - Emily Burns

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Karlie's POV

Joshua was strong and built really fit,I was amazed at how strong he was. He was kind and gentle and every girl's dream man and here he was,laying in my bed.

We had some mind blowing sex and he made me feel so comfortable and sexy,the way he looked at my body was so sweet,he blushed when I caught him staring at me. I mean,he blushes and isn't even cocky,he's definitely a keeper.

I got up and made some breakfast for us and when I brought him his breakfast,he softly kissed my temple and it had my stomach in a flutter.

We ate our breakfast in silence,never being awkward and when we were done, he had washed the dishes, I sat on the countertop watching him and he suddenly turned around.

"Why don't we go watch a movie and have lunch,like a proper date, I would like to take you out on a date and then we can see where this leads, what do you say Karls?"

I was shocked but I agreed nonetheless,he was charming. We got dressed and went out the door and the next moment his hand slipped in mine.

We watched a romantic comedy,which was strange for a manly man. He paid for everything and when we were slowly strolling down the street, I decided that I would cook us lunch.

He actually liked my cooking and he did the dishes again, he was really handsome and soon enough we were sitting on the couch and watching some series.

I didn't feel uncomfortable with him and it was great, when it got late,we ordered pizza for dinner and I asked him to stay the night,to which he happily obliged.

He held me through the night and I could only think about Taylor,she got to be happy,why not me. I tried shutting her out of my mind and soon enough I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with an empty space next to me,Joshua had left but on the pillow was a written note and I looked at how his letters curled neatly over the paper and I smiled softly.

He had to go back home to work and left me an address if I wanted to go see him.

I called him to make sure he's okay and after that I texted him to ask if he lives alone but he told me that his mother and grandma lives with him and I baked a huge lasagna casserole and took it to his house. We sat down as a family and ate dinner.

It was the first time in awhile that I felt welcomed. He slowly held my hand and rubbed his thumb over my knuckles,his mother noticed this and smiled slyly.

After dinner his mother and grandma cleaned the kitchen and we sat down in the living room and he turned to me.

" I know this is crazy Karls but you make me crazy,you're smart and funny and successful and beautiful and I don't feel intimidated by you or empowered,you're the first woman who makes me feel that we are equal and I appreciate you for being able to make me feel this way, I can be myself around you,will you be my girlfriend Karlie?"

After that whole cute speech,how could I say no,so I agreed and he kissed my cheek and hugged me.

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