Chapter 5 John Bellion - Woke The Fuck Up

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Karlie's POV:

I was dreaming about something wonderful, when I woke up with a bang.

After that I couldn't get back to sleep and no matter what I did, sleep didn't come.

I rolled around and laid in every possible way but sleep never came.

Eventually I stood up, paced up and down in my room, sung to some songs and eventually gave up,walking to the kitchen to see if I could make some Gooey Butter from my aunt's recipe.

As I put the Gooey Butter in the oven, loneliness struck me and I realized I had no one to share this feeling with, all my friends were dating someone and I was lonely like always. Relationships never seem to work out for me.

I opened a bottle of red wine and ate some of the freshly baked Gooey Butter.

I grabbed my iPad and opened up Instagram and decided to look through it for a while but I saw that I got a suggestion of who to follow and I saw @taylorswift among them, at first I was hesitant to go into her profile but I did so anyway and I was mesmerised by her blue eyes, I couldn't stop looking at her photos and videos.

I was jealous at all her friends, why, that I don't really know but I just feel that way.

Her blonde long hair, then changing to a long bob and then to bleach blonde and I saw her fourth of July pictures with her in her bikini and I saw this Tom Hiddleston guy and that Calvin Harris guy, ugh that made my blood boil.

I was kind of missing her stripper ways, my brain must be confused because of this insomnia ordeal.
So I went to my coffee pot and made myself a large mug of coffee to get my grogginess to disappear and to get my brain to function a bit better. I'm not very fond of coffee this early but what is a girl to do.

Soon enough, the sun's rays came shining through my kitchen windows. Never had I realized a New York sunrise was still beautiful, with all the tall buildings, seeing sky was a privilege and here I was looking upon a sunrise.

I didn't have any work left today as I had done most of my coding in the past week and the modelling agency hadn't called to let me know when I needed to be at a studio for a new shoot.

I headed to my closet to get me some warm clothes, it was Friday and I was most certainly going to spend my day doing something that I liked, for example, reading a new book in a library or taking photos or visiting a bakery.

As I left my apartment, I grabbed my wallet and a Cookie to stroll down the busy streets of New York.
Tonight I am going out with Cara,Kendall,Selena and Ed and it is going to be a blast.

A little bit skanky (Kaylor fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora