Chapter 16 Believer - Imagine Dragons

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Taylor's POV:

I can't believe she had the audacity to tell me I have a drinking problem, who is she to tell me what is wrong with me, identifying and criticizing my demons.

I strolled down the street, the sun finally setting and I stopped to get a bottle of Golden Vodka, I had something to celebrate, shutting her out of my life and I walked to a park, setting myself down on a swing and giving my mind it's poison, setting it on silent.

I took a rough swig of the Vodka and felt the familiar burn down through my throat and I inhaled the fresh night air, I took out my phone and looked at the time, it was just past 9 and the stars were shining brightly and I laid my head down on the grass and drank some more. I always carried some cigarettes with me, even though I quite smoking over 5 months ago and I took one cigarette out and lit it, feeling the familiar dizzying feeling cloud my mind and I laughed out loud to nobody and nothing in particular.

In the distance dogs were barking  and I wasn't scared, I haven't felt this alive in awhile and it felt amazing. My head was spinning and I was laughing, I wasn't far away from home and I stumbled my way home, hanging on street lights.

I fumbled my keys out of my pocket and eventually unlocked my door, I fell down on my couch and slept. I woke up with a massive hangover and 13 missed calls on my phone, from various people, my mom, Karlie , Cara and Selena.

I looked at the time and saw that work starts in 2 hours so I quickly took a shower and ate a bagel and took some Tylenol for my headache and drank about 4 glasses of water for my cotton mouth.

I had an hour left and I made my way to my car and drove to work. When I got there, 3 customers were waiting and it wasn't even 10 am yet but I had my mask on and my matching red lace underwear and I strolled past them, ignoring them.

My head was still killing me but it was better than before. My first client was a man into daddy role playing, me being the daddy and him being the baby. Where did he get the time for these things, didn't he have a job, where was his family.

Well either way, he pays my salary and I get paid richly for the work I do. When he left, he left an extra tip of $250, which was good besides for the fact that he has to pay an extra $300 per hour session, my rates weren't cheap, after all, I was the best.

After my day ended at 4pm, my tips added up to a total of at least $3000 and knew what I was going to do at home.

Finally home, I ordered Sushi and asked the guard to buy me a pack of cigarettes,alcohol and some popcorn,I tipped him and soon enough it was movie time, actually more resulting to me drinking and getting drunk.

When I woke up the next morning, I wasn't at home and the smell of medication flooded my nose and while the white of the hospital room felt like it blinded me.

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