Chapter 14

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We sat in the empty white room outside the opened yellow door, peering inside the school at Bella who could not get through...

Paige callapsed as her best friend was constantly banging on the locker door "Paige" she screamed and cried only making it worse

I shook my head and went back in to try again.

I grab Bella by the arm and yanked her by the arm but it was no use

As I still had my school bag I tore out a piece of paper and wrote down our numbers and social media so we may be able to keep in touch

I peek my head out of the door and hand the paper to Bella "it may not work but here are our numbers and social media"

She nods and wiped a tear from her cheek.

I give a sympathetic smile as I disappeared back into the office (remember that's what they call the white room)

Yoongi came up behind me and hugged me tightly "come on let's go"

I take slow steps away from the door and let Yoongi guide me through the hall
Cate opens the door to her home anime, My neighbour Totoro. "Let's go inside" she sighed

We then walk through a street that was selling lots of weird tropical fruits and Smoothies but at the end if the road was a luscious green forest. Thats where we were supposedly going to live for a while

"I can get us in cheaper cause im the daughter of Totoro himself"

We all nod and I continued to hold Yoongi's hand as we walked over to one of the selling treehouse

"Hello young lady, how may I help you today" the kind salesman said

"Hi, I was looking at buying this treehouse for all of us" Cate said bowing

"Ok, that would be 1000 Asagao please" he says holding his hand out in front of him

Cate shakes her head "Make it 700"

"Why would I make it 700"

"Daughter of totoro, now take my 700 Asagao" She snaps back

Man: "How about 850"

Cate: "What about 800"

"Deal" the man says holding out his hand

She hands over a bag of 'Morning Glory' flowers and they shake hands... Which they use as money and obviously call 'Asagao'

The salesman Walks away from the tree and hands us each a wooden key with a leaf carved into it

I honestly don't know why we get this tree... I understand cause its the biggest tree but all it is from where I can see is just a fat tree with a ladder on it. Cate is an absolute dumbass for wasting her money on this piece of shit

"Cate why waste all your money on this tree when its only got a ladder?"

She smacks her forehead "maybe you should climb up the ladder and find out you dumbass"

I don't see why she thinks IM the dumbass when I didn't have any input on what house we were suppose to get...

And as Cate instructed I climbed up the ladder and so did the rest of us and yes, we were deffinatly surprised by our new home

(just gonna show you all the anterior so you get excited too)



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