Chapter 2

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We walk down the hall until we hear a gasp from the back

"What?" I ask

"I WANNA CATCH POKEMON!!!" Yells Kessho as we almost pass the door

"No co-"

She interrupts me "PLEASE! Please!!! Please ple-"

"FINE! We'll go catch some pokemon"

She does a little hop with her hands on her cheeks and little gold stars appearing around her

She runs to the front and swings open the door into another hallway


We walk down the hall and see that these were all the seasons that had been out

Kessho runs to the end of the hall to the X & Y series and swings open the door and runs inside

On the other side of the door we appear in the alleyway of 'Lumios City'

We walk out of the alleyway into the sun and it stings my skin so I step back into the shade again

From where I was standing all I see is Kessho dive into the closest grass bush she could see

I slap my forehead as she was rummaging through the grass but only found an empty soda can

"Fuck..." She said throwing it behind her

"Come out little pokemon!" She called

"Get out of the grass dip-Shit! You not gonna find any poke-"

"HOLY SHIT ITS A FUCKING BULBASAUR!" She holds up a blue pokemon and it had, what appeared to be a lettuce on its back or something similar, but I don't really care...


She hugs it but it seemed to not appreciate how she was treating it

The bulbasaur picked her up with its vines (a pokemon attack called vine whip)

She looked as if she was having a wailord of a time up there *knee slap*..... Shit... Wait no this is serious.....

Kessho was kinda flapping her arms and legs around but I don't even know

All of a sudden a girl with short jet black hair and pink eyes comes over to the pokemon and calls over to it "Bulbasaur, come here please!"

The bulbasaur drops Kessho and she basically face plants back into the bush which also created a dust puff

She pouts as the bulbasaur goes back to its owner and cuddles up to her

Yoongi passes me a red parasole that he used as a walking stick "here, you can use it if you want"

"Y-yeah sure" I stutter with my cheeks turning shades of pink

I open it up and hold it above my head and walk over with Yoongi to the rest of the group to meet the trainer

The owner of the pokemon bowed "hello, im sorry about my bulbasaur I hope he didn't hurt your friend too badly"

"No its ok. Im fine" Kessho says smartly with dirt and grass stains on her cheeks "Anyway im Kessho and these are my friends, Gemini, Taylor, Kookie (this will go on forever so yeah)

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