Chapter 9

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Before I jump into the chapter I just wanted to say THANK YOUUUU SO MUCH FOR READING MY BOOK!!! It actually surprises me that people like my books... Tbh I feel like I dont write very well and my writing style is shit but I know you guys like my books so I will keep writing for you🤙🏽🤙🏽 also I have written another book for you guys called: Text Me When You Get Back. If your curious to what its about go check it out☺️☺️


Bella has been gone for quite a while now... Is she okay? No one will know until she gets back. Or unless she doesn't

"We should call Bella" says Paige "im scared"

"Dont be scared Paige its ok" I say holding her hand "Bella is fine. Shes probably getting high or something in the locker room again"

Mirain picks up her phone and contacted Bella

Mirain: "Where the fuck are you Paige is freaking out right now"

Bella: "dude chill im just at the shops with her now getting some food n shit"

Mirain: "well hurry up"

She hangs up the phone and plops down on the sofa again "shes at the shops getting food"

Paige calms down and begins breathing normally "honestly. What a dumb fuck"
"Hi, sorry for being so late" Bella bows

She puts her hand on Elizabeth's back as she lead her inside

"H-hi" her small voice said

Her eyes turned to Paige and she turned even more pail than what she was "You all need to get to your animes before its too late..." Elizabeth's said shakily

"Why? I dont understand" says Cate

"If you dont return soon, you will be replaced... Like me" she says

"How long do we need to be in the real world before we get replaced?" I ask

"4-5 months tops" she replies

"How long have you been here?" Naomi asks

"I think, 5 years" Elizabetg said

"Wait have you need replaced?! And how did you know"

"Well I was originally from the future diary. And as you know people like us can travel anime to anime or in this case we found reality. By the way we are called travellers and the white room is called the office. I ended up finding a way out of reality and returning home... Only to find out i was replaced... Not like my parents had a baby or anything and she was my sister."  She explained "So when you are replaced your parents know they have children but their memory is erased once you've been gone for about 4-5 months and during that time period and they forget what we look like completly so when our replacements return home they think its us" Elizabeth walks a further away from the door and stands in the middle of the room

"Who replaced you Elizabeth?" Taylor asks

Elizabeth turns and points "Paige"

Our eyes widen in shock... We have to find a way home before we are replaced by clones

"Can clones look the same? Or are they always different?" Paige asks

"They are all the same but then there is the rare occasional clone that looks nothing like you" Elizabeth replies

I start thinking again. Woukd it really matter if I go back? I mean im stuck in my room by myself and plus if I go home now father will probably disown me anyway... Then I do have to get my own house in the next 2 years so why not get one now without father knowing because a clone will be there to replace me

"Guys would it really matter if we went back? To be honest even though Jadeah and Allie are total bitches its probably better than being stuck in a world where everyone watches us" I say

Everyone looks at eachother "its a good idea but what about people like me who have to live off of human meat" Kera says

"Actually everyone seem to develope different taste buds as the days proceed in reality also when your clones arrive they will take all your powers so you are only human" Liz explained "so Kera, Yoongi and Hobi could probably try eating/drinking some more things and it wont taste so bad" she smiles

"Kera go try a burger I bought" suggested Bella

Bella kindly handed her a burger. Kera cringes at what was introduced onto her vision

She pushes Bellas hand away with her palm "I would rather starve"

I click my fingers and point at Kera, Cueing some people to pin her down

Namjoon and Yoongi both pin her arms down on the arms of the chair as Tae hand feeds her bits of the food

Kera squeezed her eyes shut as she took the first bite

Tae tapped the side of her face as she chewed "good girl" he smiled

Her eyes opened again

"How does it taste" Bella asked

"I dont know its different to human meat but it doesn't taste disgusting... I feel like I could eat more i guess "

Tae sits down as he continued to feed Kera

"Like I was saying... Do we really want to go back home? We could stay here and build a larger bond with humans and stuff"

"It is tempting" says Kera "I mean eating food like this is so much better than human flesh"

I nod "who else agrees?"

Everyone raises their hand "sorted" I say again

"But what about Cates cute ears!" Kookie pouts

"They will still be their although she will need to constantly cover them up" Elizabeth says

Kookie claps his hands and continues to play with Cates ears

Oh right forgot to mention that Cate and Jungkook are now dating and Paige tried to but into their relationship cause she liked Kookie... But Cate won... But I thought it wasnt relevant to the story... Aaaas well as Kera still attempting to make moves with Tae but I think now Tae is accepting it and starting to like Kera, Hobi and Mirain are dating, Naomi is finally accepting Namjoon and liking him, Taylor and Jimin are still getting their and so are me and Yoongi.... Anywayyyy back TOOOOO the story

(Namjoon and Naomi)

Namjoon skoots a little more towards me and holds my hand "I'm tired of waiting Nommie. I just wanna date you"

I bite my lip nervously... I've never been asked out like this before. I dont want to lead him on and get bored with me cause I dont want to give the impression I dont wanna date him

"Are you asking me out?" I say tensing


I blush and smile "your cute when you get shy"

"So will you go out with me then? Or...?"

"Your an idiot. Of course" I laugh

Sorry for the wait on the chapter again I silk try to upload regularly so anyway bye bye readers😁✌️🏽

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