Chapter Twenty-Eight:

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His fingers coiled around my neck, "Guess who?" I heard a scratchy voice say.

"W-who?" I said nervously. I mentally cussed at myself for not going with Ururaka-San.

"A recruiter." He hummed.


"Join me."

"Y-you're go-gonna have to elaborate." I said with a shaky voice. I was scared shitless, what does this crazy bastard mean?

"Don't tell me you already forgot?" He said with fake sadness.


He sighed, "Whatever, just remember my offer." And with that he was gone.

As soon as he let go, I started having a coughing fit and an immense headache. What the hell? I couldn't help but feel that I've heard that voice before... but where? I was at the mall with the rest of 1-A when I was randomly assaulted by a villain! At least, I think he is a villain.

     I was having a grand old time but Ururaka-San left to find something, leaving me completely alone and that was when that person attacked. You know, this is really bothering me, I know that villain, but I can't figure out from where. Ugh, whatever, I'll figure it out later.

     Anyways, I pulled out my phone to text in the class group chat, we need to get together and yeah. I just feel unsafe right now, I wanna be with them.

Me: Where are you guys..?

Ururka-San: Trying to find Iida-Kun, he ran into some random store.

Iida-Kun: Not true. I followed Mineta-Kun and he went inside a store.

Ururaka-San: Sooooooo, I'm right.

Mineta-Kun: I'm just being a feminist right now.

Ururaka-San: What does that even mean?

Jirou-San: Means he's in Venessa's Secret.

Hagakure-San: Mineta-Kun, I can see you...

Mineta-Kun: ......

Hagakure-San: Don't tell me 🤦‍♂️

Mineta-Kun: I totally didn't follow you.. 😏

Cupcake ❤️: Can you idiots shut up!! My phone's gonna die with all these notifications!

Todoroki-Kun: You could just turn off notifications.

Cupcake ❤️: I'll turn off your breathing! DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Kirishima-Kun: Bad time?

Kaminari-Kun: Probably bro.

Me: Yo peeps, I texted for a reason! Answer my god damn question! Where are y'all?

Yaoyoruzu: Excellent question!

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