Chapter Twenty-Six: Secret's Out

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After that little scene with Ka-Chan and Todoroki-Kun, I was sure nothing would be more embarrassing or mortifying, so I'll leave this room and face the people. I don't know how this is gonna go, they'll probably understand. I hope.

"Fuck, I forgot why I sat down."

I got out of the chair and immediately felt pain everywhere! I went to Recovery Girl, but even she has her limits, and this will take a few days to heal. I can't live like this, I'm never challenging Todoroki-Kun again. I shuffled to the door and eventually got to the stands.

"Move over children! Midoriya is coming through!" I announced as I got there.

     Everyone looked at me with relief in their eyes.

"Good to see you man, we thought you were done for." Kirishima-Kun said.

"Yeah, Todoroki gave you one hell of a beating." Kaminari-Kun added, which resulted in Jirou-San elbowing him.

I TRIED scratched the back of my head, "Yeah, as you can see."

"Come sit here, watch the last battle with us."

"If you don't mind, I'm gonna sit over there." I pointed to my group of friends."

"Oh yeah for sure, see ya."

I waved and started to head towards my clique. And they didn't say anything about the Dragon Breath, weird but definitely a relief.

"GUYS!!!!" I screamed when I was sure they could hear me.

"MIDORIYA-KUNNNNNNNN!" Ururaka-San screamed.

"Midoriya, glad to see you up." Iida-Kun added.

"Kiru." Asui-San added

"You Okay?" Tokoyami-Kun said.

"It's all good." I said. "How are you all? Having fun?"

They all nodded. "Hey can I ask you something?" Ururaka-San suddenly spoke up. "We've all been wondering, about that fire from the battle."

"Oh that?" I said trying to play it off.

"Yeah THAT, can you like tell us about it?"

"Oh uh sure bu-" Suddenly all eyes were on me.

"Please, help is understand your situation." Iida-Kun said, pushing up his glasses.

"I'll tell y'all, don't worry. But I'm not gonna tell you now, maybe another time? I seriously am not ready to talk about it, only three people actually know the story and uh yeah. I'm really sorry!"

"No no, don't apologize! We are all sorry for trying to get you to do something you're not ready for. But can we ask another thing?"


"Who else knows?"

"Oh um, All Might."

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