Chapter 4: Quirk-less?

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"Answer me Deku! Are you quirk-less?" He screamed.

     I was stunned, I didn't know how to respond. I should just tell him the truth, right? I mean it's Ka-Chan! He'll probably ignore me  or continue to bully me. Nothing will change, I hope, so I should just tell him.

"I-I'm n-not quirk-less." I whispered slowly. L

"I'm not quirk-less." I said a little louder.

"I'm not quirk-less!" I screamed.

I finally told someone! I never thought Ka-Chan would be the first to know, I always thought I'd tell my mom first... I felt like, I don't know, I felt different. It wasn't a great feeling but it wasn't bad either. That is until I looked at Ka-Chan...

     Ka-Chan looked absolutely horrified! He seemed so sad and even a little betrayed. He tightened his grip on my wrists and screamed, he literally let out a scream!

"Ka-Chan?" I asked, absolutely terrified.

"Y-you, you l-lied to me all these years!"

     I didn't know how to respond, I was absolutely petrified. The once calm and kind face disappeared and gave way to a Ka-Chan who was so angry that he was literally shaking!

"I did lie. There is no denying it Ka-Chan."

"So, how long has it been?"


"How long did you hide it from me?!"

"A-about s-six years."

"GOD DAMN IT DEKU! Six fucking years?!"


"Who else knew? Was I the only one that didn't know?! Did you make a fool out of me?!"

"No! Ka-Chan, it wasn't like that! I swear it wasn't!"

"Then tell me, what exactly happened?"

I felt tears welling in my eyes, I can't possibly tell him, "I can't tell you..."

"Why the hell not?"

"I just. I just can't."

"Just fucking tell me!"

In that moment something in me just snapped and I started to yell, "What the hell do I tell you?! That I have a quirk?! That no one knew?! That I suffered all this time because of it?! What the hell do I tell you?!"

I felt a drop of water fall onto my check, I looked up to see Ka-Chan was crying! He was crying, because of me.

"You lied to me all this time, and you can't even explain yourself."

"I'm sorry, Ka-Chan."

"It's fucking fine, you son of a bitch." He sounded very sarcastic and fake.

He let go of my wrists and started at me for a few moments. His eyes were full of tears that were threatening to flow down his cheeks. He looked so dismal, I hated looking at him like that. He may be a big bully, but he is also my friend, I never want him to feel hurt.

"Obviously it's not fine. Or you wouldn't be reacting like this." I finally said.

"After all this bullshit, you finally said something that makes sense. Congratulations!"

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