Chapter Sixteen: Villains

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[Just wanted to say that I love y'all 💜 You guys are the best! Also, Popeye's biscuits thoooo, so god damn delicious]



As we were flying through the air a few of them jumped up and tried to hit us, luckily we were stronger in our formation. Asui-San used her tongue, Mineta-Kun used his grapes, and I used my arms and we FINALLY made it onto a random island. I was soooooooo happy we were near some land, truth is, we didn't actually think this through, I was unsure if we were gonna land amongst the villains or somewhere safe. [Its called "plot armor"]

Little to our surprise, there were more villains on the island, but unlike before one was huuuuuuuuuuge [Said in Donald Trump voice] and the other one was a skinny dude. There were only two, and luckily they hadn't noticed us yet and that gave us a chance to hide. I quickly grabbed the two around me and ran down the beach into the water and ducked, so only our heads poked out.

"There's no way we can defeat those two." I hissed.

"S-s-so n-n-no c-confrontation?" Mineta-Kun stuttered.

"Obviously not, we'll get killed. Kiru." Asui-San responded.

"But we can't sit here and do nothing." I concluded, "And we can't let them leave the island, the rest of the class will be in danger."

"T-then c-c-c-c-confrontation...?" Mineta-Kun asked nervously.

"If push comes to shove." I said meekly.

"But we can't just rush in there, we need a plan." Asui-San stated.

"Y-y-yep." Mineta-Kun said.

"How about we run?" I said sarcastically.

Mineta-Kun took this opportunity and ran away, Asui-San gave me an empathetic look and went to get him. Great, I'm alone. I tried getting up to follow the two, but slipped straight into the water, attracting the attention of the skinny dude.

     When he turned around to face me, our eyes locked on. I was surprised to see his eyes because there was a huge hand, not attached to anything, covering his face while his own hands were on his hips. He had bluish hair and tattered clothes, making him look sloppy but gave him character. I couldn't describe the feeling I got from him. He slowly approached me in slow, confident strides. He squatted down so the tips of his heels poked his butt and one of his arms lay on his thigh while the other enclosed my chin, making me look up at him. I whimpered as his calloused hands grabbed the tender flesh, "What do we have here?" His voice sent shivers down my spine, it was rough yet smooth, dangerous yet gentle, like nails scrapping against a chalkboard yet like nails being tapped uniformly on a desk. He tightened his grip and laughed, "You're so cute, I wonder what they would do if I took you." I widened my eyes in surprise, trying to voice a complaint but ended up making incoherent noises. He let go of my face and stood up.

"Stand up." He commanded.

     I quickly followed his instructions, unable to rebel against his authoritative tone. Stupid! Why can't you just stand up to him? You're training to be a god damn hero! He came closer and brought his hands closer to my neck, he proceeded to wrap his slender fingers around my neck, not pressing hard enough for me to stop breathing. I actually stopped breathing because this guy scared me silly.

"Relax. I haven't even put pressure, you can still breathe." He cooed. That voice didn't suit him, he seemed like the authoritative type. I didn't dare say anything.

"What, too cool to talk to me?" He said slightly annoyed.

Yep, I'm too cool for school.

"Tch. Fine then." He said in a tempting voice. He applied more pressure and latched his fingers together, at the back of my neck. He slowly lifted me up, of the ground.

     I was dangling in midair, like a helpless child, desperately clawing at my neck, desperately trying to release his grip.

"See, this wouldn't have happened if you just responded." He said coolly. 

     I looked at him with a pleading look in my eye, which only fueled him. He tightened his grip on my neck, causing me to thrash trying to hit him. No luck. He laughed at my failed attempts at continued to put more pressure. At this point, my vision was getting darker, tears started falling down my cheeks, I felt like I was closer to death's door than ever before. This is it, I'm actually going to die.

     Suddenly he let go and dropped me to the ground. I coughed uncontrollably as I regained my breath. I looked up at him and he looked, not like he did a moment before.

"Anyway, I'm not gonna kill you. That's not my purpose." He said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I'm not here to kill, unless I have to. My purpose is to inform you heroes-in-the-making of something and be on my way."


"The killing will be left to my friend Nomu. While I'm just fighting for what I believe in."

Yo, I'm so confused.

"You should join the League of Villains, kid. I can tell you have a purpose that these 'heroes' won't let you fulfill."

     With that he disappeared into a cloud of purple smoke, along with a handful of other villains, and left behind, what I can assume are "Nomus".

     They disappeared and the pro-heroes showed up. What great timing! I thought while rolling my eyes.

     I couldn't get over what that man said, I can't achieve my dream if I stay with heroes. What's that supposed to mean? How does he know what my dream is? Am I that readable? No it can't be!

     I was roughly thrown to the side as the huge thing landed a punch.

"A-All Might!" I screamed as soon as I realized what had happened.

     He's going up against the giant! He has to be at least three times larger than All Might, yet he showed no signs of hesitation and attacked.

     In comparison, I was a coward. I stood there, letting myself get caught by the villain and becoming a burden that All Might needed to protect.

Nooo... I'm gonna help him.

Can You Save Me? [Complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora