Chapter Fifteen: Rescue Mission

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It had been a couple months since I started attending U.A. and let me say, it hasn't gotten any less chaotic, in fact it's gotten worse. We are constantly fighting and studying and testing. Like the class work wasn't enough, they added a shit ton of physical training as well. We fought against each other, against heroes, against I don't even know what at this point. But today, the teacher decided to do something different, he sent us to rescue mission training with another pro-hero.

 But today, the teacher decided to do something different, he sent us to rescue mission training with another pro-hero

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HERO NAME: Thirteen
QUIRK: Black Hole

"Alright kiddos. You all will be put into groups of three and sent to different terrains for different rescue missions." Thirteen said. "Aizawa has your groups and will announce them shortly, along with the terrain. Make sure you guys work together and accomplish your end goal. Good luck!"

I ended up being in a group with
Mineta-Kun and Asui-San, and we were going on a boat. Perfect for Asui-San, but terrible for me, I can't swim. Great! We made our way to the boat and climbed on, I hung on to Asui-San the entire time, so did Mineta-Kun, although he hung onto a part that shall not be named. Boobs, he hung onto her boobs.

"Mineta-Kun! Kiru!" She screamed.

"What?" He said slyly.

"You know very well."

"I seriously don't know."

"You really are a tiny pervert. Kiru."

He whined in annoyance as we finally reached the boat and she put him down. While I sighed in relief to be on solid ground!

"Okay, so we have to save the drowning dummies." I clarified

"Pretty much. Kiru."

"But how?" I pondered. "Mineta-Kun and myself cannot swim, while your quirk is suited for water. So we would have to think of something that encompasses all of our quirks, but only requires Asui-San to dive into the water. But that would slow down the rescue and if it was real many people would die. If it was real, Mineta-Kun and I wouldn't be here, but we are. What plan can we use? I mean Mineta-Kun has his pop-offs and can use those in the water, but he is also really tiny and would have trouble getting people out. What do we do?" I continued to mutter and think of a plan oblivious to the two around me.

"Watch out!" Asui-San said as she tackled me to the ground.

I was in a daze, "What? What is it?"

     She looked up and I followed her line of sight to see an arrow right above our heads.

"Thank you." I said graciously.

"What the hell just happened?!?" Mineta-Kun cut in.

"That's what I would like to now."


"This isn't part of the mission. I thought we were only suppose to save people not go up against villains...?" Mineta-Kun added.

"You're right. He never said this was part of the mission." I said stunned.

"You don't think... they are actual villains? Kiru."

"How is that possible?" I hissed.

"I don't think it is. Kiru."

"Let me check."

     I slowly crept to the edge of the boat to see what was going on. Really, it was pretty normal, except for the teeny tiny fact that there about a million people in the water!!!! God damn it! How do we get out of this situation? For the first time, my mind was blank, no ideas came through.

"So frustrating." I mumbled.

"What is? Kiru."

"I don't know what to do now. I think they are actual villains!"

"Nether do we. Kiru."

"Oh, I have an idea! Mineta-Kun perked up.

"What?" I asked.

"You know your quirk has extreme physical capabilities and mine is a great distraction and Tsu-Chan's long tongue?"

"Yeah... Where are you getting at? Kiru."

"I think Midoriya can launch us to safety while we distract them."

"That's actually not a bad plan. Kiru." Asui-San said after thinking it over.

"I agree, it could work."

"I'm so smart!" He said proudly.

"What could work?" A voice hissed.

"Oh no." I said petrified, "Don't tell me..."

     I looked up to see a weirdo sitting on the railing. I could only assume he was an enemy since I've never seen him before.

     In that moment, I let my instincts takeover and punched the guy so hard that he was sent tumbling back into the water.

"Why'd you do that? They ALL will be swarming the boat now." Mineta-Kun scolded.


"Yo guys, we should leave like now. Mineta is right, they will all swarm us soon."

"Alright, alright. Once I stand on the edge I want you both to latch onto me and then I will jump."

     They nodded in agreement and I went to take my position. I slowly gave them a signal and they came up to me. Mineta-Kun had popped-off a few grapes to use as distractions and Asui-San had her tongue hanging out of her mouth. I sighed as Asui-San wrapped her arms around my chest and I waited for Mineta-Kun to do the same, he never did.

"You can jump now." He finally said.

I looked to see he was holding on to Asui-San again. I nodded and infused my legs with as much power as I could. I wrapped one arm around my friends and the other I got into punching position, ready to knockout anyone. I took a deep breath and jumped.



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