Chapter 2: In the Slytherin's den {Edited}

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Since he had nothing else to do, with the cancelation of classes, Harry was walking through the hallways. Due to the guest students who were coming for the event.

His head up in the clouds, minding his own business when "Potter!" Somebody called out. Harry whirled around and saw Malfoy. Everything slowed down in some way. as if time has stood still. Moving toward the standing Golden boy was Draco Malfoy. As he approaches the youngster, his blonde hair sways ever so slightly. Icy blue eyes looking directly into dark emerald eyes.

His lips were moving, as if he was talking to someone. The raven haired boy quietly admired. "Potter, you can stare at me afterwards, I want to discuss something with you". Draco commented. Harry blinked back to reality and blushed in embarrassment. "I wasn't staring," Harry denied with a tiny pout, feeling embarrassed for getting caught. The blonde simply snorted, finding it amusing.

"Well, it appeared that you were". Draco joked while chuckling a little. Harry tries to divert the subject because he was obviously feeling flustered. "What is it that you want to talk about?" The blonde cleared his throat to stop smiling, continuing what he was supposed to say " Classes are suspended due to the tournament, so I want you to go with me to the Slytherin Dormitories so we can do some study." Draco explained.

Bringing out a piece of paper out. Written on the On paper is a potion that we will research and discuss in our upcoming Potions class, whenever that may be. "Veritaserum, also called 'Truth Serum.'" Harry read outloud . He was unaware that such a potion existed. " Not gonna lie, This may be incredibly helpful" Harry thought. He nodded at Malfoy while stowing the piece of paper inside his backpack. "Be around the dungeons around late afternoon since the other snakes are typically not around then." Harry yawned and nodded, obviously exhausted from last night.

They awkwardly stood there unsure of how to conclude the interaction. The blond turned around and walked away, leaving Harry behind with a sigh and an awkward wave. After Harry had recovered from being stunned, he started to return to the Gryffindor tower.

As he made his way back to the dorm, he prepared all the equipment for the research. Pens? Ink? Check. Are there any paper stacks? Check. In order to make sure he had everything for later, Harry walked around his dorm. His roommates started to arrive as he looked around. Dean and Seamus talking about selkies and something from Care of Magical Creatures. Ron is chewing on something he grabbed from the kitchen while Neville paces towards his bed while working on his own potion project. "Isn't it weird how selkies are classified as Magical creatures even though they are humans?" Dean and Seamus chatted. " They really aren't quite human; rather, they're more like, hmm, werewolves or-." The two discussed. Being the curious young man he is, Harry questioned. "What exactly are selkies?" The two boys ceased their conversation and turned to face Harry. "They're these enchanted beings that resemble seals in the water but beautiful humans on land." Dean clarified. " Some claim that they hold the key to the fairy world." Seamus went on. But, those are just sayings. Nobody has actually seen a selkie for hundreds of years now."

Harry was skeptical. He is aware that some magical beings have the ability to transform into humans, but holding the key to the fairy realm? Very doubtful. "Hagrid said he knew and befriended a selkie once, but disappeared. I say bogus to that." Seamus remarked. "Even if he did meet one, It would be impossible to befriend one, they are heavily protected by the Ministry of Magic.. Meaning NO INTERACTION whatsoever."

After hearing such revelation, everyone in the room fell silent. What a bummer, absolutely no interaction? A life spent alone and without any friends to socialize with. Harry Shivered just thinking about total isolation, no thanks. "That's just sad. No interaction whatsoever, I would probably just go insane at that point." Neville monologue, startling all the boys inside the silent dorm room. "Well, thanks to that depressing fact, I'll be heading to the study halls with 'Mione, Bye guys, bye Harry." Ron waved goodbye. The boys waved in return as well.

After some time, it's already nearing late afternoon. Making sure he has everything, Harry stood up from his bed. "Oh, wait Harry!" As the raven haired boy near the door, he was halted by Neville. "Is there a way you can get my Remembrall? Professor Snape confiscated it during class and I-I can't afford to lose it a-again or gran will kill me!" Neville meekly rambled. Harry Nodded, feeling sympathy for the shy boy. "Of course, I'll try." Harry promised he will get his Remembrall. Harry walked out of the Gryffindor Tower and headed towards the dungeon.

I began my walk to the dungeon. I passed through the courtyard to make my journey a lot faster. Descending down the marble staircase, I finally arrived at the dungeons. The halls were quiet and cold. Footsteps echo between the long narrow walls of the lowermost floor of Hogwarts. As Harry neared the Slytherin's dormitories, no soul in sight. Harry cast a quick tempus spell to check out the time. 'I'm a bit early, I'll just stay here for a while.' Harry thought.

He sat down on the cold hard floor, his back against the cold, dark, and grainy walls. It was serene. The quietness makes Harry a bit sleepy. You can hear the loud rain outside. The pitter-patter of water dripping down in between the cracks of the ceilings.

He can't help but hate the silence.

He distracts himself by humming the unknown melody he once heard as a child. As he hums quietly, the door to the dormitory opens. Out came a handsome blond boy he is in-love with.

Malfoy was scouting left and right to see if his partner had arrived. Clearly he hasn't seen the petit boy sitting on the floor. Taking this opportunity from the unsuspecting Slytherin, Harry took his revenge this morning. "BOO!" Harry jumped from his hiding place. This caused Malfoy to jump a bit with a tiny squeal. Clutching his chest and panting lightly. "Merlin, Potter! You startled me." Draco stuttered, calming down a bit. Harry just grinned and felt a little proud of his achievement. "Why are you sitting down?" Draco questioned. The raven hair replied while standing up and dusting his robes. "I was waiting for you, come on." Harry entered the dorm with the air of someone who had been there before. Draco shrugged and followed him inside. Harry can't help but sweat a little. He is in the Slytherin's Den...Again.


I changed the plot here a bit, meaning no more 4th wall breaks (Cringey 13 yr old me) And I took some inspiration from the Song of the Sea {Best movie in my opinion} and some films I've watched as a kid. Hope you enjoy this edited version!  

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