Chapter 15: Fae

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The Great Hall as a whole was in disarray. As the lecturers work to calm down each and every student in the Great Hall, chaos breaks out throughout the space. Unnoticed by everyone else in the room, a lone blond boy quietly left the dining area.

Draco ran stealthily through the door. Once he made sure the coast was clear, he bolted out.

He looked left and right to see where Harry could have gone. His first guess would have been the library, but he ruled it out. He could be in the Gryffindor tower, but Draco doesn't know the password, nor does he know if he is allowed in the tower.

"He has to be somewhere."

He heard a commotion from where he was just now. He hid around the corner. Granger and Weasel were also trying to find Harry. Should he let them find the ravenette? But the chances of finding the boy are much higher if he were to use his wings.

Draco left his hiding spot.

He strode toward the courtyard. He spreads his wings after making sure no one is nearby. In the sunlight, his white wings gleam. He stretched out before taking off.


Hermione and Ron split up in search of their friend. Hermione went to all of Harry's secret places, while Ron went to all of Harry's "secret" secret places.

They both worried for Harry because, out of all the things that were to happen to him, being forced to compete against unknown obstacles and other schools was definitely the final straw in Harry's sanity.

While his friends are trying to find the ravenette, a certain headmaster is in a panic.

Albus Dumbledore may look calm at the moment, but he is in fact not calm. He is panicking on the inside; he hadn't felt this distress since Grindelwald's arrest. "This is preposterous, Albus!" He turned to face McGonagall, whose face was distorted with many emotions.

Fear and anger "You cannot let Mr. Potter compete in this; he's not 17!" She argued. She fears for the boy, who clearly didn't ask for this. "I agree with Minerva; he is not to take part in this!" Another voice rang out. Severus will not let his son be in this ridiculous tournament! "We'll try and find a way,"

"What is ze meaning of zis! Dumbledorr!?"

"That boy is a cheat!"

Two more voices call out. Madam Maxime and Kakaroff stride their way to the old headmaster. Both were upset about the outcome. The champions were talking amongst themselves behind them.

The headmaster raised his hands, gesturing for everyone to settle down. "Maxime, Kakaroff, please let us all calm down." Kakaroff shoved his hands down, nowhere near calm. "To hell with you and your "calm down" bull! "You planned this from the very beginning, no?"

Dumbldore tries to explain the situation to the two and is looking for a solution. They would have to ask Crouch about this.

While the three were arguing, Hagrid and Filch came inside. The old headmaster spotted the two, so he made his way to them. Albus asked for any updates on Harry. Unfortunately, the boy wasn't in the castle. "How about you, Hagrid?" He asked the half-giant.

"I think 'Arry went to the forbidden forest." This caught the attention of the potion professor. He walked up to the groundskeeper, and he noticed that the half-giant was holding something. "What are you holding on to?" He lifted his hands to show a robe. "It's Arry's; he must have taken 'em when he fled to the woods."

Great. Not only did Potter run away, but he ran towards the Forbidden Forest! They couldn't use the bloodhound because, apparently, Potter stole the dog. The chances of finding the boy are low, but never zero. There must be a way.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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