Chapter 10: Feel So Loved.

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Throughout the morning, Harry went to his classes without missing a single one. He promised Hermione that he would improve himself, and since there is no initial threat from Voldemort and he is even allowed to attend the Triwizard Tournament (thank, Merlin), he might as well enjoy this year.

By lunchtime, he had successfully attended his lessons, though he was tired. He sat down next to Seamus in the great hall. The pitter-patter of rain could be heard from the outside. It's not as strong as it was this morning, meaning he will have a peaceful sleep tonight. He glanced across the dining hall. He noticed the Beauxbaton students eating with the Ravenclaws and the Durmstrang students eating with the Slytherins. His gaze was met by a certain blonde he liked. He gave a small wave to Draco. The blond returns it with a wink.

He nearly spat his drink out. He tries to save his face, but the blond has already witnessed the poor boy. Draco chuckled a little bit before turning his face to talk to his friend.

The ravenette sighed, wishing he could talk to Draco normally without the whole house's prejudice. Hearing the boy sigh, Hermione lifted her head from the book she was reading to see Harry with a love-struck look on his face.

She looked at where her friend was looking, only to find the blond, pure-blood brat. She gasps loudly, gaining her mate's attention, including Harry's. "Y-YOu! And—" She pointed at the blonde, then back to Harry.

The raven didn't understand what his friend was pointing at. He checked what Hermione was pointing at, only to realize that the brunette had figured out his crush!

"NOnonoNO!" He covered the brunette's mouth before she could blurt out what she would say. "Not.Here!" He gathered his friend, who was frantically addressing the new revelation she just discovered, and left the Great Hall.

While Ron... Ron, who already knew the ravenette's "little secret," continued to eat.

Dragging his friend out of the Great Hall was hefty. They approached the fountain from the outside. "When were you going to tell me?" The brunette rambled. She looked shocked, but mostly excited. "We're just friends—" But he was cut off by his friend. "I can't believe you guys are dating!"

"We aren't—" Harry paused. "H-how did you know I have a crush on Malfoy?" Hermione just looked at Harry with a dead 'are you serious' look. "I mean, come on. You guys aren't that subtle." She then recounts all the time Harry's 'puppy-love' crush on Malfoy was so obvious that even a blind mole-rat can see it. "So you aren't disgusted by the fact I like men?"

Hermione smiled at Harry before gathering him into a tight embrace. "Of course, not. If you like men, then you like men—" She patted Harry's hair. "—If you like women, then you like women. Love has no gender." He and the brunette stayed there for a few minutes before gathering themselves.

"Now, come on before Ron stuffs his whole face with the turkey he has been eyeing on." The ravenette laughed, imagining his redhead friend's stuffed face.

They return to the dining hall only to witness their redhead friend stuffing his face with NOT a turkey leg but with sausages instead. Their whole group of friends cheered Weasley to eat his 12th sausage. "I can't believe– RONALD!"
Dean and Seamus were laughing their heads off, Ginny was disgusted at his brother, the twins were cheering, Neville was just watching while clutching a book of some sort, and Ron was being Ron.

The group of friends turned to see Hermione, ready to scold Ron. They also saw Harry, and they motioned for him to come to the table and witness the event. Just seeing his friends made Harry feel loved. He skipped to the table and began to chatter with his friends.


The whole day has been spent attending classes and hanging out with friends. Harry came out to his friends about his sexuality. They accepted him with open arms. With Harry coming out, Dean and Seamus confessed that they were dating, with Ginny being demisexual, the twins being openly pansexual, and Neville coming out as bisexual. Ron and Hermione were happy that their friends were able to come out freely.

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