Chapter 12: Grave By The Flower

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Being in the Forbidden Forest is risky. The woods are home to different sizes of creatures that wander around carefree. The Forbidden Forest is home to a wide variety of magical creatures, from the fiercest spider to the benign firefly.

If one is not careful, they could get lost. Just one wrong turn can lead to death. But if you are Severus Snape, then you can never make a wrong turn.

He had every known path memorized. If there are no more paths to memorize, then he will make a new path—anything to get what he needs. He never once got lost; he would always be back before the sunsets.

His legs guide him straight to a tree, stretching all the way up to the heavens. Now he has to be careful; he could get lost if he does the wrong pattern.

"Enter to the left side of the tree."

"Face the tree trunk."

"Enter to the right side of the tree."

"Keep walking till you no longer hear the wind."

He repeated the instructions in his head. He entered from the left side, faced the tree trunk, and entered from the right side, and he kept walking till he no longer heard the wind. Severus did not stop even when he no longer heard the winds. His mind focuses on one thing and one thing only.

Incantare Hyacinthoides

After a while, he finally sees the clearing. Thousands upon thousands of Incantare Hyacinthoides bloom. Their soft glow shines in the dim forest. He did not have time to appreciate its beauty as he began to pick them. Severus picked the flowers nonchalantly, for once having a relaxed expression etched on his face.

As he was busy plucking the flowers from the ground, a small fairy stood behind a tree, observing the man. Severus did not feel the presence of the small creature, but he did feel as though he was being watched. He shrugged it off, thinking it must be some local wildlife.

"You have some nerve to come back here."

The potion professor turned around to face the person. But instead he was greeted by a fairy—more specifically, Illene.

Illene is one of the guardians of this part of the forest; she makes sure every magical creature is out of harm's way and keeps balance between them. She wears a white lily flower as a dress, and her hair is in a braid. She may look soft, but her demeanor is very much the opposite.

She and Severus have known each other for a very long time; once they were friends, but now they have bad blood with each other. They can't stand each other.

Illene waited for a reply from the greasy man, but none came. She's already in a bad mood with the arrival of those wizards from the ministry; add another problem into the mix, and you get a furious guardian.

Severus doesn't bother to answer the agitated fairy; he just plucks the bluebells one by one, leaving those that are not in full bloom yet.

The guardian fairy scoffed as the man ignored her. "Are you here just to steal from us?" Or are you here to visit him?" He halted for a bit but kept picking, more aggressively this time. He purposely ignored the path of the small cliff, even if it was a long way to get to this magical clearing. "I'm just here to gather some Incantare Hyacinthoides, nothing more, nothing less." The man finally answered.

He was happily picking flowers without a care, but now he is being bombarded by an angry guardian fairy. "Well, if you're just here to steal from us, you might as well—"

"Illene!" The guardian fairy was cut off by someone. They both turned to see who the person was. Two shimmering lights flew toward them. "Fauna, Silvia." Two more fairies appeared to them. Fauna is the one with a short bob-cut in a lobelia dress, while the other, Silvia, had a pigtail hairstyle and was wearing a leaf jumpsuit. "Oh, Illene! Where were you? "We looked everywhere; you cannot just leave. Oh..."

Fauna was surprised to see Severus. The man has not visited them in a long time, and though Illene and him have bad blood, she greeted the potion professor with a warm welcome. "Long time, no see, Severus." Severus nodded in acknowledgment and waved at Silvia, who also waved back. "Who are these flowers for?" the Lobelia guardian asked. He hesitated for a bit; he didn't know how to answer the fairy. He hasn't seen or spoken to them in years.

Even though they acted like friends, they are more like acquaintances at best. At least, that's what Severus thinks.

"Don't get friendly with him, Fauna; he's stealing from the magical clearing." Illene expressed her displeasure with how the Lobelia guardian fairy was treating the snake."Come on, Illene, he isn't that bad, and besides, he might actually need the flowers." Fauna argued. They argued back and forth about the man.

The man was ignoring them because he was too busy plucking bluebells.

"How's little Harrykins?" Silvia voiced out. He ceased his action fully. "He's doing fine." Severus replied with a small smile written on his face. Fauna heard the leaf guardian's question. "Harry? Oh, is he doing fine? Eating well? Is he—" She bombarded the man with questions, asking how the boy is or what he looks like.

Severus got up from his knees and fully faced the three guardian fairies. "He's doing fine, but he's sick right now." The man answered. "Oh, poor dear. "They must be having a hard time; selkies usually don't get sick, but if they do, it's always bad." Silvia rambled to herself.

Severus ignored the three fairies as he searched for the other ingredients. Since he is already here, he might as well gather the other necessities.

He looked at the list. Some were easy to come by, while others needed to travel via floo. He walked away from the clearing to the giant redwood tree.

The potion professor reminisced about his youth, when he used to come here and lay down on the flowery clearing or play hide and seek with him.He gathered the sapling and went his merry way.

"Look at him, Illene; he clearly misses him." He could hear the whispers of the fairies, but he disregarded them.

"Too bad he doesn't even visit him often."

"He must be busy then."

"He always says that! But we all know what he's like."

No matter how hard Fauna tries to convince her friend, she knows better than to argue about Severus. After all, Illene is still hurting.

They are all still hurting. The Three Guardians watch as the man disappears among the woods.


Sorry for the short chapter and late update, been busy. But I promise the next chapter wont take long! You can follow me on Twitter

Username: iYizhanwastaken

(shameless self-promotion hehe)

if you like, thats where I post my drawings. But anyways hope you enjoy this chapter

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