Chapter 8: Emergency Meeting.

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Snape paced back and forth, impatiently waiting for the other members. Albus was feeding Fawkes, undisturbed by the potion professor's restless pacing.

Time seems so slow when waiting.

Finally, as the clock strikes 12:00 p.m. The fireplace's flames turned green. Out came a tall man with shoulder-length black hair. wearing a semi-formal attire. "Why Snivellus? I didn't see him there." The man teased.

Snape sneered, but inside he was pleased to see him. Sirius Black was an old friend who had assisted him in getting together with him when they were younger. Sirius ignored the sneering professor; instead, he greeted the headmaster. As Sirius chatted with the headmaster, the fireplace once again turned green as another man with light brown hair came out.

Remus Lupin was another old friend that the potion professor was greatly fond of. He greeted the wolf man with a nod. Remus nodded back as the wolf man walked towards Black.

Sirius turned back to greet his lover with a small peck on the cheek. The three wizards discussed mundane things as they waited for the other members to arrive.

They didn't have to wait any longer, as did Kingsley, Professor McGonagall, the Weasley couple, and Hagrid. Even though there were few members that showed up, it's best that fewer people know about the situation.

Albus greeted each and everyone. He guided them all to the center of the room as the meeting was about to begin. The headmaster cleared out the table, offering them candy but being denied.

Albus shrugged and popped one lemon drop in his mouth. "Now that we are here to discuss something serious—" The old headmaster was interrupted by Alastor Moody coming in late. "Sorry for being late, I needed to teach some students some lessons for being disrespectful to me." Alastor explained.

Hearing what Moody said, McGonagall was horrified; she would need to speak with him later. The three former friends snorted quietly, knowing quite well what those lessons could be, remembering their own lessons from the elder witch back in the day. "As I was saying, we are here to discuss the stolen Selkie coat." Albus said, being straightforward. This caused the other members to freeze. This is something serious. Every member of the Order knows that if that coat is in the hands of someone, they will all be doomed.

The first to recover was Black. "Tha-thats impossible!" Sirius voiced out. Anger and fear were evident in his voice. He faced the greasy haired man. "You said you would protect it! Clearly you can't keep it safe! Like how you can't keep him safe!" The man shouted, accusing the potion professor. He was about to attack the potion professor if it weren't for his lover holding him back. Snape was outraged! "Don't you dare bring him into this!" The professor answered back. The two men glared at each other, clutching their wands in their hands.

"Both of you, stop at once!" McGonagall halted them before things could get chaotic, bringing them back to the main objective. Albus thanked Minerva for stopping the two men. "I know that this dire situation we have right now, that is why we need to return it back before the second task could commence." The headmaster explained.

They have only a few months before the second trial can commence. With the selection of champions nearing and the preparation of the first task, this would only give them until December and throughout the rest of the school year to find it. It seemed easy, but with thousands of children, not including the visiting schools and their own staff members, this would need more than 10 people to investigate.

They couldn't let the ministry be involved in this as well, if they do, who knows what could happen.

They start to formulate a plan. "It's best to start with the Slytherin students, since they are the closest to the coat." McGonagall suggested. The others agreed to this, except for one. "My students have nothing to do with this!" Snape refuted. "I know my students, and I know they would not dare steal from me!" The potion professor snapped.

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