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| K I M M I N S E O K | 2 7 |

| K I M M I N S E O K | 2 7 |

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6:00 pm.

For the first time in a long time, he was home early. Jongdae was more than impressed with his speeding down the company stairs not bothering waiting for the elevator.

Fingernails scratching the couch as he laid back with a heavy heart.

Then the familiar ring of the door he heard.


"It's me - Minseok." Although this wasn't the time to laugh, he found the girl jumping at his presence a little amusing.

Today, Jimin had told him that she would drop by to pick something up and of course, expected the both of them to mend things with each other. The guy didn't want to house the girl for too long. For personal reasons.

And talking about Jimin, they hadn't been able to meet up and talk since their meeting was supposed to be in secret without Jayoung's knowledge. One more thing to worry about.

"Well, I've been waiting for you these days..." he didn't feel good lying but Jimin did tell him not to let her know that her best friend was teaming up with him.

The girl didn't say but slowly retreat upstairs to her room.

He didn't even register the fact that he was feeling such immense longing for her to come back this whole time until he was forced to watch her this close to him walking away not giving him even a glance. Her long hair was perfect for her to hide her face. The only thing he could do to stop himself from going to her was turning away as she went upstairs.

"I really miss your cooking..." a defeated voice echoed the house as he burned his gaze at the grey wall in front of him. Footsteps stopped for a few seconds before continuing upstairs.

Once more, he dropped himself on the couch, shoulders slumped, eyes glued to the grey carpet.

He should try harder, Yixing would have told him, but was it appropriate? If she wanted space, he should give her all the space she needed.

Half an hour passed and she emerged once again, but this time she wasn't dressed in something for the outdoors. She was in her usual blue pajamas.

His brows immediately raised after the constant frowning at his foot. Jayoung then caught his eyes staring at her as she approached the kitchen. It felt like a forever silent exchange between them when she cracked a small smile and waved at him shyly. Of course, Minseok was instantly delighted and almost ran from the couch the moment she let him.

A giggle left her lips and he somehow found that fascinating. He hadn't heard her voice for so long.

It's only been four days...


"Nothing." She shook her head gleefully at him. "Why don't you go change? I'll cook dinner for you."

oh, baby girl | minseok ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora