Yeah..about your medication...

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Chapter 30 might be last chapter? Ionknow



"Do I really need to go today? Now?.... Okay okay just give me a few minutes and I'll be on my way.. K bye." I looked over to the side to still see Jack still laying down and sleeping peacefully.. Should I wake him up and tell him orrrrrrrrr leave a note?

Maybe leave a note? So I won't disturb his peace.

I grabbed the pen off the desk and a piece of paper that was randomly there and started thinking and writing (fuck school).

Dear Jack

I will be gone for a few hours or so, so I will be back so don't worry! I'm completely fine. Just some business to take care of.

Love you!


A short simple note, easy to do. I threw the pen off to somewhere else and leaned over, placing the note on the bedside table on Jack's side.
I get up and popped my knuckles while letting out a big tired yawn.

A shirt and some pants will have to do.

*Time skip cus I'm lazy as hell.*

"Hello Mr.Fischbach, go ahead sit if you may." I nodded and sat down in the big ass red chair that was in front of the woman desk, I scratched my arm nervously and bit my lip from anticipation.

"So, I looked over your paperwork and I can say your health is good, your weight is good, your muscles, bones and all that is fine. But here's the problem.. " She trailed off as she clicked the top of her pen repeatedly and made eye contact with me.

"It's.. It's about the.. You know.. The other half inside you." I nearly widened my eyes then leaned back on the chair, gripping the arm rest, hoping Dark didn't do any shit.

"Hey! I didn't do anything! I don't know what's happening!" He nearly yelled in my head, I would tell him to shut up but in this moment I was afraid what she was going to say.

"Well.. Your counterpart is half demon, yes. But uh.. Can I ask you a few questions?" I nodded my head, still gripping on the arm rests of the red chair.

"Okay, do you have any favorite foods?"

"Yeah.. Chicken n dumplings.. "

"Do you have any interests in women or men?"

"Both actually"

"Okay so.. Are you currently in a relationship?"

"Yes? Why? what's wrong?" She clicked her pen again before slamming it on her desk, with disappointment in her eyes and I could clearly see that.

"So, you know that your half doesn't really like what you like.. But may I ask whom are you dating?" Oh god what is about to happen.

"Uh I'm dating a man right now.. His name is Sean but I call him Jack." She nodded and picked up the pen again then started putting things down.

"So.. Dark I'm supposing his name is.. Is into women right? Not men like you are?" I nodded and I could feel my heart slowing down from feeling like it's about to beat out my chest.
"We gave you some medication.. Have you been taking them?" I nodded again not seeing what's the problem. She bit her lip and nervously played in her hair.

"You see... The pills we gave you...might cause some changes in your half.. You see we gave you... The wrong... Medication.. Big mistake.. " Fuck I knew I should've thrown that pill bottle away once I saw warning sign on it.

"What's the changes?"

"Well, for starters he will get more angry than usual, he slowly develop into stress which will cause him to more likely to get strong and if he gets He can take over your body whenever he wants. Don't seem bad I know but since you are dating someone he's not supposed to be into.. Might be in slight danger.." I widened my eyes and I just wanted to just run out of there and tell jack everything then just tell him to go somewhere safe but, I held my horses.

"Dark will start configuring feelings for your boyfriend sooner or later he will want to have him to himself."

"Like I'll ever start liking Jack how funny."

"You better god damn not."
"Well, can I do anything to stop this?!" I said in a panicked way, hoping there's a solution for this problem. I hope Jack randomly finds out without me telling him shit.

"Yeah generally the medication will stop working in a year but to stop this immediately you can get surgery to get the half out of you so he could process a body of his own but it will still take a year for the pills to wear off. So if he gets his own body he might be very possessive of trying to get your lover and try many ways possible to get him until his stage has wear off, you of course might possibly get killed from Dark. So I advise you to keep him within you."

He is definitely not getting his own body.

"That's not fair you bitch!"

"I'm not risking getting my ass killed!"

"I won't get the surgery.. " I reassured the woman and myself. "I think I can handle it." The women smiled with a satisfied smile, probably glad I didn't lash out at her for them giving me the wrong medication.

But.. When will the medication kick in?" She scratched the back of her neck and sucked up air through her teeth as if she seen something painful.

"Tomorrow afternoon.. We didn't find out about those information until yesterday so we decided to warn you." She admitted. I let out a heavy deep breath and wiped both of my hands down my face stressful while closing my eyes. I waited a few moments before eyeing the woman again, she let a sigh and finally spoke again.

"Well, thank you Mr.Fischbach, you may go now. " She waved off with her hand with a smile plastered on her face, I just shook my head in disappointment and stood up leaving the room.

"I can wait for you to tell Jack about this isn't this just a great show."

"I fucking hate you."


Roomies (Sequel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz