The Truth Revealed

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Mark laid down on the bed, with his hands on his stomach as he had headphones on his head, blasting loud music in his ears.

I looked at him as I peeked through the door, I opened the door and walked over to him fully, making him look at me directly, he gave me a confusing look and took his headphones off.

"Yes?" I sat down by him, giving him a look that might scare him a little. He looked one way to another, and met my gaze again.

"You have split personality..don't you? You have a half demon inside you." Mark quickly shot up and eyed me confusingly as he scratched his head.

"Huh? How did-"

"I met him yesterday." He looked at me speechless and looked at me up and down as if he was remembering something.

"He didn't hurt you, did he?!" I shook my head, earning a sigh of relief from the confused man.

"And you didn't tell me." Mark looked down at the sheets of the bed and grabbed my hand, I looked at his hand in disgust before, we both, met eye contact at the same time.

"I didn't know until like..5 days ago? Something like that..I'm sorry."

"You say sorry, but never fucking mean it." I gave a snarky remark, "I'm sick of your shit!" I snapped, a big frown plastered on his face as he stared into my neutral face. He didn't blink or anything but, sooner or later his eyes started going a little red and glossy.
Please don't.
As soon he blinked his eyes tears fell down, I immediately went red in embrassment. I hate making other cry! And Mark knows that!

"Please, don't cry." More tears blinked from his eyes as he started looking down and sobbing, it made my heart ache as if I did something wrong when I didn't. He let go of my hand and started covering his face, which made my heart feel like shit.

In a quick movement, I pulled him in my arms as he held his hands over his face. He laid his head on my chest, while I gently rested my head on the top of his head, his hair tickling my face.

"I'm so sorry, Sean. So sorry. I didn't mean for all the pain that have happened to you to ever happen. I'm sorry." I let out a shaky breath and started rubbing circles in his back, I don't even know if I can say that I can forgive him just yet. He hasn't proved to me he has gotten better from the mistakes he have done.
Trust me, I urged myself so fucking much not to say 'I forgive you' because, I knew the second I said those 3 words, the faster I would regret it.
I bit my lip from anticipation, and held onto Mark as if I'm the top in this relationship, well I think I am.

I'm not a twink.

"Please, forgive me. I will never hurt you ever again." I let a deep breath out from my nostrils and held onto him tighter as if my life depends on it.

"I- can't. You haven't proved to me. You always lie to me and seem like you don't trust me. For example: if you trusted me you would let me know what's behind the portrait." I see him peek up at me with tears slightly rolling off his cheeks, his eyes still glossy and slight red.

"Then, go. Look behind the portrait. The code is 3728." I shockingly see Mark showing truth in his eyes as he scooted away from me and waited for me to go to the portrait.
Without no hesitation.
I stood up and started walking the big ass portrait of me and Mark and started to remove it, luckily it wasn't heavy.

I placed it on the floor and see a vault imbedded in the wall. I punched the 4-digits code and it successfully opened. I peaked inside the vault to just see a box. He sure loves boxes.
I picked up the box and eyed Mark again to see him looking down at himself, shamefully. I eyed the box again and started opening the top, I looked at the notes and little weapons. You would think these notes were for me and him killing people but, no.
I looked back at Mark who never looked up at me, I dropped the box as I ran up to him, he slowly caught my gaze and I fully gave him a hug and felt like not letting go.

"You had depression and attempted suicide?" Mark held onto me back and burried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Yes.." he responded, I feel like an asshole now. After, all the years that passed, the fights, the arguments, I never thought Mark had depression, he hid it to well.

"Why?" I said leaning back so, we made eye contact, Mark face has softened from his nice yet stern look. He lowered his head, while shaking his head slowly.

"You see, Jack. The day when I was taken away..the police gave me a chance to stay at a hotel for a few days because, they found out I was a generous guy. But, as soon I saw your lips connect with Signe. It left me heart broken. I felt as if you betrayed me for someone else. You never told me you love me like you mean it, you might did but, meant it physically not mentally. Like a friend. Not a boyfriend. I found some paper and pen and just started writing about how I felt, without nobody judging me. I also started cutting myself and...try to...commit...suicide..I did that until they took me away, and made sure I couldn't kill myself while being there..but, after a little training and stuff. I got over it..kinda..not really I just kept positive thoughts and never thought about it much. The day when (we) I was released. I went to the bar but, after I did. A girl came with me and I got my depression stuff and all of that and kept it. I decided to lock it you away from you so, you wouldn't know."

"I-i drove you to suicide?! Mark, I'm so god damn sorry I didn't know that I would hurt you that much," there was a long silence between us two as Mark sniffled which made me still feel like shit.

"You know Jack...I forgive you..and I mean it." I smiled lightly and hugged Mark again, this time embracing it, I nearly almost lost this guy because, of my dumb actions and I regret it.

"I...forgive you too.. and..I mean I think of it," I could basically hear Mark smile widely.

"I love you Sean."


"I love you too."


I'm trying to make a good ending-

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