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It was 4am when finishing this and I'm tired

Mark's POV

I held Jack to my chest as he let out small winces. I knew he was in great pain and he should be fine tommorow. I was just wearing my black pants with my shirt laying beside me while Jack was in nothing but, in his boxers. He had a few bruises on his back from here to there and small scratches but, from other than that he's fine.
His arse may or may not hurt but, I don't know he won't tell me if it doesn't or not.

"Are you going to stop being a little shit and do what I say?" I cooed while softly while digging my fingers in his hair. He growled lowly and nodded.
"Great. Now let's go. We have to go do yard time then exercise and after that it's dinner." I let go of Jack who slumped back on the wall and picked up my shirt. I started walking out when I realized he wasn't following me. I turned around to see Jack looking down at his shredded clothes.

"My clothes." He said looking at them then looking at his own self. I rolled my eyes and tossed him my shirt. It landed right in front of him, he reached over and slipped it on. That shirt was a bit oversized but, it fit him fine. He tried to stand up but, fell down. He tried to stand up again and he fell again.
It was like watching a baby trying to motherfucking walk.

Jack gave up and slumped back on the wall.
"Go without me." He huffed as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"What's wrong?" I said with a sly smirk.
"You know what's wrong. Bitch."
I laughed as I walked over back to him. I scooped him off the floor, carrying bridal style.

I sat Jack down on a bench he slumped down on it and yawned.
"I'm fucking tired." He said with half lidded eyes.

"Well, you can't go back to the cells to sleep. Do something destructible. I'm going to do some business."

Jack's POV

Mark walked off not too far from but, with some group of people. I looked around seeing some inmates staring at me either licking their lips or biting their lips.

"Looks like we got some fresh meat here." I heard someone say. I shudder in uncomfortableness. I couldn't do anything since, I was still kinda hurting. Mark took a few glances at me and I actually hate people staring at me. I don't even really like attention.
A tall buff looking guy came over to me with two other people as if they were his minions.

"Hello, little one." He said smiling wickedly as his minions laughed silently behind him.
"What's your name?"

"Sean McLoughin but, I go by Jack what's it to ya?"
I spat as I glared at the buff man.
He cracked his knuckles and pushed his sleeves upward to his shoulders.

"Well, then Jack let me show you around the things here. I'll show small to big." He grinned as minions chuckled to each other.
I just stared at him, then my face got red when I realized what he meant by showing me things from 'small to big'.

"You fucking pervert!" I nearly yelled in embrassment.
"Aww, what's wrong? Scared I might break you? Don't worry. I will."
My eyes widened I started to scoot away hoping someone can save me.
"Get. Away. From. Me."
He gripped my biceps and held me close to his face I felt anger inside me as I try to break free.

"Fuck off!" Other criminals started looking over as some paid no attention of what's happening.

"Hey pal, get your grubby hands off my meat." I look over to see Mark glaring at the big guy. The guy let me go and backed away, Mark stood next to me as if he was a disappointed parent.

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