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It was finally the time. The bells are ringing, birds are chirping, the ship is sailing,  what was the time you may ask?  It's time for Marks and Jacks wedding.

Jack wore a white and black tux while Mark was wearing a black and white tux, jack of course the 'twink' in the relationship thought of wearing a dress but he always figured it would be too much so he went with a suit Mark of course thought him being the one wearing the dress would be cute but he respected Jacks opinion.


Oh my god I'm not ready for this!  Okay, I said I do but, still! It happened so fast. The ring was so beautiful and the diamond on it has to be expensive I just can't believe today is the today I become Sean Fischbach...

The day I said 'I would never be Marks boyfriend. ' I never thought I would be standing here right now getting ready for our wedding. I can't believe this is happening.

"Hey Mrs.Fischbach come on its time! " Felix smiled, he is my best man of course I chose him to thank him for being with me and supporting me after all these years.

"Okay. Okay I'm coming!" I laughed while walking over to the guy who was holding the door open for me. I soon see my father standing there with a big smile on his face I hooked my arms with him and smiled back.

"I'm so happy for you son. It might not be a girl but I'm glad you're marrying your high school sweetheart." I felt my smile grow then quickly gave him a hug before standing back in place where I was. 

"Thanks father. I love you. " He responded with a 'I love you too son's then we started our way down to the aisle. The place was big and beautiful, beautiful songs and melodies playing that only excited me more.

I look up and see Mark smiling,  I smiled at him and wanted to just cry myself, we walk slowly down the isle the music catching every breathtaking moment. This is your day Sean.

Soon, I was now in front of Mark with a big smile plastered on my face, everyone sat down and Felix patted my shoulder reassuring before stepping back. 

The priest started on with the long words and the things but all I could do the whole time was to read Marks eyes but I couldn't read them he was smiling but I couldn't tell how he was feeling about this day.

"Anyways, Sean William McLoughlin..
Do you take Mark Fischbach as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"
I bit my lip from anticipation and let out a deep breath.

"I do.. " He nodded then turned to Mark who also bit his lip.

"And, do you take Sean McLoughlin as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" I looked at Mark with great hope in my eyes and a great life in our future.
He looked down for a moment then looked back at me.

"I.... Don't." The whole crowd gasp and so did me, I took a step back a little with my heart beating fast. Did he just say he don't?!

"What?" Mark twiddled with his thumbs then eyed me again, I felt tears welling up in my eyes,  I wanted to burst into tears from being heartbroken.

"I'm sorry Jack.. It's just after a few weeks after I proposed I haven't been happy with you. I don't love you anymore." How could he say that at our wedding!?

"You kept this away from me!" I nearly yelled, tears rolling down my cheeks quickly I could sense my father temper rising.

"I'm sorry Jack but maybe.. It's you not me... I started having feelings for that girl I got with that night. Hey turned out she's pregnant with my child. "
I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I slapped Mark harder than I did the last time I was pissed at him and ran away not caring if anyone was looking.

My dad yelled, and I could tell he started running after Mark with a bat. 
I ran and ran I could even hear Felix calling my name, I didn't care.

I roughly bumped into someone which made me collapse right on top of them. Tears fell off my face and I quickly looked to see a bigger person.

"Hey hey hey! I have my own body!" I looked at Dark confused then slowly backed away from him.
"Hmm.. Now you and Mark are probably no more... I can have you all to myself. " I tried to run and get up but Dark caught me in a swift movement, trapping me in his arms.

"You're mine now Jackaboy. " He purred inside my ear, I started screaming but he covered my mouth and everything started going black.
"Sleep well~"

And that's when I realized....

I was waking up. 


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