
409 13 10

(Kinda more detailed chapter also... Confusing)



Jack's POV

I woke up with a dry throat and with a slight headache. I let out a deep breath out of my nose as I wait for the blur in my eyes to disappear so, I could see correctly.
Once, my eyes adjusted I see I'm in a room. The walls were painted red and black with a pale rugged floor. A computer in the corner of the room and dressers by the bed.
I glance at the beside table that was beside me with a lamp on it that was obviously off.

Where the fuck am i?

I started to get out of bed when I realized a pair of arms, wrapped around me securely. I shifted trying to get out from their grasp, I heard a low growl which made me stop moving and freeze.

"You're awake?" I heard a raspy voice say behind me.
I felt insecure and nervous. I don't remember anything that had happened after me and Felix left Starbucks..
Oh god..did we go to a bar and got drunk..Did I hook up with someone?! Oh fuck! Wait- I'm fully clothed so, I'm fine though, I feel a little bit of hot what am I even wearing?

"Uh..Mh..hm.. I-I'm up." Looking at the tensed muscles and hearing a deep, raspy voice I'm assuming it's a man.
He nuzzled his nose in my hair and softly rubbed circles in my arms with his thumb. I felt safe and comfortable yet, scared and terrified by who is this guy behind me.

"Who are you..?" I asked, feeling slightly uncomfortable in the situation I'm in. I heard a light chuckle and felt his chest bounce up and down.

"You know me. Is your head okay?" I was able to lift my hand and rubbed my slightly bruised forehead. I let out a small groan and just nod my head.

"Can you please let me go? I have to...pee." he made a fake puppy noise and held me tighter.

"Aw, do you really?" I nodded, trying to not obvious show that I don't. He let out a husky breath and let go of me. I smoothly slid out of bed and started walking over to the door that was half way opened that I never realized before.
I cut on the light that shone bright and made a small reflection leading back to the bedroom, I slowly close the door behind me while sneaking a peek, the room was most likely really dark and I couldn't really see the human form under the covers. I closed the door now fully and let out a shaky breath as I hesitately take out my phone out of my pocket, feeling briefly hot, I waved my hand in my face for cooling air as I started texting Felix.

J: What the fuck happened yesterday?!

I quickly sent it, timidly waiting for his response hoping him to message 'Its a prank bro.' or 'Lol chill.'
I looked in the mirror and realized I was wearing a fucking onsie. A powerpuff girl onsie. -That figures why it is so hot.

F: What do you mean ._.

I stared at the message as if Felix was a crazy shit.

J: What do I mean?! I mean what happened?! Who house am I at?!

F: That's what you should be telling me since, you 'ditched' me last night to see your boyfriend. .__.

J: What the fuck?! What do you mean by seeing my 'boyfriend'?!

F: I'll remind you. We left out of Starbucks and I went to take a shit. You on the other hand disappeared when I came out. I went around town and even called people to ask them where you were. I tried to call you but, you didn't even fucking pick up. Anyways, I called Mark since you guys are like spoiled milk and cereal. He said that you called him and asked him to pick you up. He picked you up and took you home with him.
Apparently, you 'fell' down and contacted him to help you.
End of story. .___.

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