Thoughts (Confusing chapter)

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(Let's go on to Jack's POV)

I went back over this chapter to like edit it and it got me hella confused on Mark's and Jack's relationship my mind is just spinning.

So at the end of this chapter there's a big explanation.


You know, I find things weird. How is somebody I dated back in highschool goes to jail for..I don't know how long and then disappears without telling me for years is going to get pissed at me for dating a girl since, I assumed we were broken up but, on Mark's point of view we weren't and it got him pissed.
Yeah, I would be pissed if somebody I loved for years, dated someone else and fucked em', but I would never go crazy over some fucked up shit like that. I mean I went to prison too!

Doubting my worries, maybe Mark has mental health issues. He seems as if we weren't in jail and I didn't walk on him with a another girl like a few days ago. Mark doesn't love me. The girl proved a point. He just..I don't know..uses me.

I sat down, trying to collect my thoughts together and finally decide that me and Mark need to stop this 'dating' thing we have going on and separate. Meet new people and never speak of this ever again. I don't know if he will approve of this but, it's worth of shot.

I mean right now he's upstairs, 'cleaning up' is what he told me. Yeah, Felix is gone he did some snooping for me but, I don't know if he found something interesting or not.
Maybe, I should text him?

J: Did you find anything since, you were here?

I powered off my phone and waited for at least a response from him. I heard a scream upstairs and something being thrown.
I jumped up from my seat, cowering in fear, from the terrifying scream. I soon later, heard footsteps trudging downstairs and see Mark run up to me in slight shock.

"Why did you scream?!" I asked slightly petrified from it. He disgustingly looked at his hand and let out fast breaths, he landed a hand on my shoulder for support and held his chest, out of air.

"I-it was a fucking-..god damn rat upstairs. I...picked it up and..oh, god and threw it outside.....I hate rats!" He said merrily out of breath as his gaze met mine.

"A rat?! Seriously, Mark! You scared the shit out of me!" He apologized and fell back on the couch, as he started catching his breath and calming down. Figuring, maybe this is the right time. I sat down beside him and crossed my arms over my chest, slumping slightly. Mark's terrified breaths were the only sound in the room which made it weirdly uncomfortable. I was first to speak.

"..Mark. Man-Child. We need" it was fully silent before, Mark shot up and looked up at me.

"What? What's wrong? You're going back in the closet?" Giving him a shock, yet confusing look I playfully slapped his lap.

"What?! No! Nothing like that its just..about our relationship.." he hummed and waited for me to speak.
"You's weird for both of us to cheat and still..well what you like to call it date. It's not right...We need to stop this nonsense know. Move on. Just think about it. This relationship we have isn't healthy and it was a big mistake. We need to move and forget about our past or else we won't." --

"I see where you are going with this. You want to break up?" --

"...Yes. just for the best."

"Well..Jack. Maybe we..can..start over? You didn't per say cheat.. but, now I think of it..We never said we were dating we were just... I don't know. Together but, not dating." Thinking to myself for a moment, that was true. When we met up again, we never said we were dating again, well I didn't. Mark assumed we were but, now I think of it. We are not even dating, nor married.
"With that. I never cheated on you. I hooked up with someone when we weren't dating so, I didn't cheat Jack. You did." Immediately, feeling slight pissed I fully snapped.

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