I miss you.

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I was sat in biology. I felt like crying. I couldn't get Josh off my mind. It was like he was permanently marked in my mind. I tried to shake it out but it was no use.

I put in my headphones and played I miss you by blink-182. I lowered my head onto the table incase I started to cry.

"Will you ever forget me?"

"No Why would I? You're my best friend!"

I felt someone shaking me. I looked up and noticed the almost empty class room. I looked behind me to see Patrick slowly shaking me.

"Tyler you're awake!" He said.

He pulled out a chair and sat beside me.

"You alright? You seemed to have cried yourself asleep." He said.

I shook my head. I wasn't alright and I knew it. I missed Josh. It felt as bad as a break up. Heart broken. I was heart broken.

"I heard what happened about you and Josh," he continued, "I saw it happen and I went to comfort Josh and he told me to go find you but I couldn't. I assumed you went to Brendon and 'ferard'."

"Ferard?" I questioned.

I knew Gerard and Frank were together but I didn't know people all them by a ship name.

"They have a ship name. So does Brendon and Ryan but they seem very distant recently."

"Ryden?" I asked.

"Yes. Anyways that is off topic. I have a free period now. Want to go to the library and talk about what has happened?"

I nodded and followed Patrick into the library.

Some kids were still at their lockers. A lot of them spat at me but I took no notice. I hid behind Patrick and hurried along.


We were sat at a table near the back of the library.

"Josh told me his side of the story tell me yours." Patrick said.

I sighed. I wanted to know Josh's side.

"What is Josh's side?"

"He told me to keep it secrect."


Patrick shrugged. Josh was now keeping secrects from me.

"Well alright. You can't tell him my side if the story then."

Patrick nodded.

"Well long story short, Josh doesn't want me to have any friends and hates the fact I have friends. He can't take a change for the better. So I told him to have some respect and then you won't lose his friends."

Tears trickled down my face. Patrick handed my a tissue and I wiped my eyes.

"Do you miss him?" He asked.

"Yes. A lot. I miss his fluffy hair and his smile. His laugh; his dark brown eyes. Everything. I love him Patrick." I blurted out without even realising.

Patrick hugged me tightly.

"Oh Tyler. You need to fix this. And when you become happy again,confess."

I nodded and the bell rung.

"I don't know how..." I mumbled.

"You will when the time comes Tyler." Patrick said and walked off.


At break we sat at the same bench. This time without Josh. It wasn't the same. I sighed sadly. I felt lost with Josh.

"You feel lost without Josh - don't ya?" Brendon said.

"Dude you-" I gasped.

"Read your mind? Not surprised." Brendon interrupted.

I let out a fake smile.

Brendon wrapped his arm around me and I leaned against his chest. He smelt like men's spray and surprisingly the smell of alcohol and drugs was very low compared to the amount he takes. He was very warm to lean against too. His warm breath brushed against my face. He felt almost as nice as Josh. I was about to cry when I heard someone call Brendon.

"Beebo?" Said a voice I recognised.

Brendon and I let go of each other and turned around to see the figure if Ryan standing beside us.

"Ryan my man!" Brendon said.

He got up and hugged Ryan. Ryan bit Brendons ear and growled. Ryan was indeed a big slut for Brendon.

"I missed you." Brendon added pulling away from their hug.

The word missed remind me of Josh. I'm lost and there is no way back unless I get my Josh back. I couldn't let Josh run away from me forever. Without thinking, I stood up and ran away. I heard Gerard and Frank call after me but I took no notice; I need my Josh.

I ran through the lunch hall to find Josh sitting with Pete. I gasped loudly. Maybe a little too loudly because Pete turned around and stuck up his middle finger. Josh scowled at me. He was defiantly mad. I rolled my eyes and ran for it again. This time into the boys toilets. I locked myself into a cubicle and cried.

"Tyler?" Said an familiar voice.

It was Brendon.

I snuffled and tried not to make a noise.

"Tyler are you in here?" Brendon called.

I couldn't contain myself and I started loud crying.

"Oh Tyler, come out will you." He pleaded.

I unlocked the cubicle slowly and ran into Brendon's arms. He rocked me slowly.

"You saw Josh didn't you?"

I nodded not wanting to speak incase I started to cry furthermore.

"I know. I saw him with Pete and he asked if you was ok."

"Why would he want to know?" I mumbled.

"He cares about you still." Brendon said.

"Well if he did so, why does he hang out with the person who bullies me and tells other to bully me? Why wouldn't he still hang out with me? Why would he look mad everytime I saw him?" I cried.

"Too many questions but you need to talk to him!"

The bell rang. We let go of each other. Brendon left me to dry my eyes and get to my next class.

I walked silently down the hallway, looking at my feet as I do so. I wasn't looking where I was going when I suddenly bumped into someone; making my fall into the ground. That someone was Pete.

"Hey, how does if feel not having your best friend anymore?" He said.

I ignored him and started walking away. He grabbed hold of my collar and pinned me against someone's lockers.

"I said, how does it feel not having your best friend anymore?" He repeated.

I shrugged, struggling to breathe. He slapped my cheek.

"Speak and I will let go!" He demanded.

"I'm not sure." I said.

"Not sure? Well I'm pretty happy to have my best friend back and got rid of sober brendon and the gay f*ckers."

Sober brendon and the gay f*ckers.

That made me wonder if Pete bullied them within their friendship. I wanted to find out but now wasn't the time.

Pete let go of me and I ran down the hallway into my math class which was only around the corner. I luckily wasn't late.

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now