More than one crush and a broken heart

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We walked through Brendon's living room. Brendon was on the floor; pretty much naked other than his underwear. His abs were so defined and his sweaty body was just overly attractive.

I must of been staring as Josh nudged me hard and gave me to glance of warning or 'don't go there'.

"Should we wake him up?" Josh suggested.

"No, it is his own house. Let's go!" I said.

Josh clenched his head and groaned in pain. Maybe a little too loudly as Brendon woke up. He looked ever so startled.

"Hey guys," Brendon mumbled," you enjoyed the party?"

Brendon sat up and patted the sofa behind him, insisting us to sit down.

"Actually yeah it was pretty cool." Josh admitted.

That was the first time Josh had ever liked something that was to do with Brendon.

"It was sick!" I exclaimed.

Brendon chuckled and lit a blunt.

"You got a hangover dude?" Brendon asked Josh.

Josh shook his head.

"Admit it Josh." I said.

He sighed and nodded.

Brendon handed him some water and left over pizza. Brendon's ass swayed as he walked. It was ever so curved.

"Quit staring." Josh whispered.

I wanted to slap myself. I have a boy friend but I still have an overwhelming sensation for Brendon.

"What you want me to stare at you?" I ask.

Josh rolled his eyes.

Quit staring.


Josh went home since he had a massive migraine. I told him to feel better soon but he just grunted. Although he did hug me so he couldn't be mad at me. Could he?

I didn't want to go home incase my mum was to find out anything about last night. Especially if she found out that Josh and I are a thing. It gave me a rush of anxiety just thinking about it. So I didn't go home straight away.

It was just me and Brendon now. We were in the park. Brendon's arm was wrapped around my neck. I rested my head on his shoulder. He ran his hand through my fine hair.

"Josh alright?" Brendon asked.

"I'm not sure. He doesn't seem happy at all." I admitted.

"He hates me doesn't he?" Brendon asked.

He looked at the floor sadly. He looked slightly depressed.

I grabbed his chin and forced his head to look at me. His deep brown eyes stared into mine.

"He saw us kiss... and I think he may be jealous." I said.

"How about we do it again?" Brendon suggested as he winked at me.

I felt a loving sensation run through my body. It excited me.

I smirked and said, "why not?"

I locked my lips with Brendon and we kissed for what felt like forever.

I loved it. It made me happy. Brendon makes me happy. I love brendon. May be  a little too much.

What was I kidding? I loved Josh. Or at least I did.

"Buddy are you alright?" Brendon asked rubbing my back.

I didn't realise I had started to cry. I was crying over two men who I loved a lot. I would die for either of them.

"You have a crush on me don't you?" He asked.

"Thought you figured a long time ago. I'm so sorry." I mumbled.

I went to run off but Brendon grabbed hold of me and pulled me back down.

"Yeah I did but I didn't want to say because I did too. Somedays, I forget that Ryan's my boyfriend. But you and Josh have a better connection. You need Josh he is the one for you." Brendon comforted me.

Because I did too.

Brendon had a crush on me?

I smiled at Brendon. I agreed with him. Josh and I have been buddies for years now and I have felt the same love connection.

"Yeah you're right." I said and stood up.

Brendon kissed my forehead and yelled, "Go get it Tyler!"


I ran all the way back to Josh's house. I ran up to his porch and excitedly knocked on his door.

Abigail was the one to answer it.

"Tyler!" She said and hugged me. "Haven't seen you in a while!

I nodded and stepped inside.

"Josh has a friend round but he is upstairs."

A friend?

What friend? Josh seemed pretty much all himself to even be social. Or seemingly so.

I felt my stomach clench as I walked up the stairs. I turned to Josh's bedroom. The door was closed but there was some strange noises coming from his bedroom. There was groaning and moaning along with other indescribable noises. Was he having sex? With who?

I creaked open the door. I saw a naked Pete Wentz on top of a naked Josh!

"Joshua William Dun!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I couldn't help it. I got angry and for some reason, the words slipped straight out if my mouth.

Josh gasped and Pete mouthed "What the f*ck".

My face was streaming of extreme anger. Tears was streaming out of my eyes and my heart started to ache.

"You're cheating on me?" I whispered.

I was shocked. My boyfriend was cheating on me with the biggest bully within the whole school.

"I can explain.." Josh said as he stood up.

He walked up to me but I just pushed him away.

"No Josh. If you're just gonna do that then we are over!" I said as I slammed his door.

I heard Pete laugh from the other side.


I was sat at the park where Brendon and I was sat not that long before. I sat down and cried. My brain started to hurt and my heart was aching like hell. I felt so empty.

How can the man I loved so much cheat on me?

I started to bang my head against the bench. No one else was around so no one could stop me. But that was alright, I didn't need it.

I smashed my head really hard that everything went black.

Don't forget about me. // JoshlerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora