Chapter 1

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It's been a year since we, well, Leo, defeated Geaa. I know, hard to believe Repair Boy managed to get rid of Queen Dirt Face. We all thought that he died, no the case. He showed up two weeks later with Calypso and a whole Festus, lets just say, Annabeth and Piper, AND Hazel chased him around camp with weapons trying to cause him bodily harm. Luckily for Leo, Jason, Frank, and myself where able to call off our girlfriends.

Jason has spent a lot of time discussing architecture with Annabeth for he has kept his promise and has been building temples and shrines to all the minor gods and goddesses. I'm glad that he is so happy with the way the shrines and stuff has been turning out, Piper has been spending some of her time teaching her siblings how to fight, much to the annoyance of Drew. Hazel and Frank have been living together happily in New Rome since the end pf the War, I haven heard form them much, but I am pretty sure things are going well. How's Nico and Thalia? Well, Nico finally got together will a certain son of Apollo. *cough* Will Solstice *cough* He is happier now, and I'm glad for that. Thalia is, well, Thalia. She is still alive, thank the Gods! However this last war, took it's toll on the Hunters of Artemis. Only a handful survived, by a handful, I mean like ten. Ten! TEN!!!!! That stupid werewolf and Orion, they will pay! Not in the revenge, but justice type. He killed my friends, and Thalia's family. In a sense, she still has Jason, then there is me, Neeks, and Hazel.

Annabeth and myself finally healed from Tartarus a few months ago. By heal, I mean, no longer get flashbacks and nightmares every day. We get the occasional ones, but they are not nearly as bad as they used to be. Right now, I'm sitting with my Wise Girl on the beach. We are watching a beautiful sunrise, I know, Shocker, I'm up before the sun. Anywhooo, we where just sitting there, relaxing, when....

We heard children screaming. I looked at Annabeth and she nodded. We got up and rushed to the source of the screams. When we found it, my blood ran cold. There right outside the camps border, where hordes of monsters. Children are screaming because they are trying to get through the boarder. The conch shell blows in the distance and then we race to the big house.

"Chiron, what the Hades is going on?!?!?!?!?"


"Sorry Neeks, but Chiron?" Everyone looks at him, and he sighs.

"Well, I'm afraid we have another war." Every single demigod at the meeting groans, we JUST had a war a year ago, can you immortal pests wait another millennia or so before you decide to wake up again????

"This war I'm afraid, was caused for revenge." Everyone looks up, this is new.

"Umm, Chiron, Who are the monsters looking for revenge on?" I look at Chiron curiously, Annabeth is right. No demigod alive has fought that many monsters during their life to warrant a war of revenge. Chiron looks at me nervously, and I'm starting to get a sneaking suspicion.

"Welllllllllll, they want revenge on Percy Jackson." At this point everyone is either furious or shocked, then there is me. Wondering why the fates hate me so much, and how come I'm always stuck fighting wars?

"Chiron, how can Percy have fought that many monsters? No demigod has ever killed them all." I agree with Will, sure I'm a bit hurt, but I agree. Everyone then agrees to this, however Chiron looks nervous.

"Actually, Percy has fought every kind of monster in his life, at least once." It takes a moment for those words to sink into my head, then I bellow.

"WHAT!!!!! How is that possible? I don't want to fight in another war! Heck, I was didn't want to fight another after the first one I fought! Chiron, please tell me this is some kind of mistake?!" I look up a Chiron, hoping for this to be a mistake, when he shakes his head no. I collapse onto the floor, to confused, hurt, shocked, confused, and upset to do anything else. Annabeth gives me a hug, but I just stay on the ground, that is, until Rachel's eyes became huge and green smoke emitted from her moth.

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